This is the public group where we are building the spot the future initiative and where project related documents, call for submissions and calls for e.g. community participation will be published. And where we will do a small test/ onboarding of community engagement managers before finalising contracts with them. Workflow for this week:
- Set up a shared calendar here (customised view aggregating all tasks and events (including UNDP project deliverables) based on dates in a nice calendar/timeline visible for all.
- Set up project's public facing objective, goals, engagement model and narrative.
- Post skeletons of first blogposts and calls to action as wikis to be modified & translated by engagement managers.
- Post call for people who want to act as local connectors for the Edgeryders tour (connecting them with businesses, investors, media and others of interest to them...we help them build hype/ shine light on awsome projects). Other organisations who want to join? Community members to connect with them?
- Post call for graphic/visual profile designs for the project including digital flyers for the tour.