Following the discussion about developing a new, simpler way of interacting with the platform, I’d like to formally ask for the decision and the support from the company for this new feature.
@Matthias has already mentioned the possibility of using 1000 eur from the Horizon2020 development funds to cover some of the work, there is a remaining part - 2-3000 eur and I would like to ask whether it would be of interest of the company to cover this portion.
The good part of having it ready is opening a lot of new possibilities to gather content and engage in a more simple way with new audiences at the events we will be organising - instead of having them tweet about it, we can also use it to collect their reflections using the platform instead. Considering we will have a bunch of parallel events happening this autumn, it would be useful for documentation and to possibly sing up more people immediately to the community.
It will also contribute to creation of a completely new space on our platform, dedicated to research on aging, as it will be used in the biennale - which can be then used to develop better funded and structured work on the subject, as there seems to be significant interest in this subject. And of course new visibility in a new context - I think this could be also very helpful to our work at the Culture Squad in order to showcase our presence in the art context and how the platform can be used in cultural work.
Another thing is that I had a call with Soenke, who works in a research project regarding aging and care, and he is very much interested in finding a way to use this kind of simple interface with their project. It’s a discussion we have just opened and it will continue on the platform to see how it fits best.
What I would like to offer for now is a nice UX design for free for that interface - it will be covered by the funds we have received from the Museum in Lubljana. In case we manage to get sponsorhsips, I would be also happy to contribute some of it to pay for this work - but this is uncertain for now.
I’d like to ask @nadia, @alberto, @noemi, @johncoate @hugi (please help if I should tag anyone else from the company) to decide if this would be possible.