Preparing the new interface for edgeryders

Following the discussion about developing a new, simpler way of interacting with the platform, I’d like to formally ask for the decision and the support from the company for this new feature.

@Matthias has already mentioned the possibility of using 1000 eur from the Horizon2020 development funds to cover some of the work, there is a remaining part - 2-3000 eur and I would like to ask whether it would be of interest of the company to cover this portion.

The good part of having it ready is opening a lot of new possibilities to gather content and engage in a more simple way with new audiences at the events we will be organising - instead of having them tweet about it, we can also use it to collect their reflections using the platform instead. Considering we will have a bunch of parallel events happening this autumn, it would be useful for documentation and to possibly sing up more people immediately to the community.

It will also contribute to creation of a completely new space on our platform, dedicated to research on aging, as it will be used in the biennale - which can be then used to develop better funded and structured work on the subject, as there seems to be significant interest in this subject. And of course new visibility in a new context - I think this could be also very helpful to our work at the Culture Squad in order to showcase our presence in the art context and how the platform can be used in cultural work.

Another thing is that I had a call with Soenke, who works in a research project regarding aging and care, and he is very much interested in finding a way to use this kind of simple interface with their project. It’s a discussion we have just opened and it will continue on the platform to see how it fits best.

What I would like to offer for now is a nice UX design for free for that interface - it will be covered by the funds we have received from the Museum in Lubljana. In case we manage to get sponsorhsips, I would be also happy to contribute some of it to pay for this work - but this is uncertain for now.

I’d like to ask @nadia, @alberto, @noemi, @johncoate @hugi (please help if I should tag anyone else from the company) to decide if this would be possible.


I don’t think we can promote this as “the new interface” in general – just the new interface for the first contact. People would be able to post their first contribution right on the “minisite” of whatever project we are running at the time, without having an account yet. They would implicitly create one, and get the password for it by e-mail. So when they want to contribute to the discussion that forms below the topic they created, they would use the normal Discourse interface and the account created for them.

Everything else is out of scope, as we don’t want to rebuild an interface to participate in the discussion. Discourse is great for that … once people have their account.

@natalia_skoczylas, could you please coordinate a call with yourself, @nadia, @owen and me so we can talk through this and see and plan how it fits into the pieces of tech that the current projects need? That should get us close to a decision, I think.

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I would like Owen to finish something he is working on after which I am open to having this conversation. Should be any day now.

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I like to think of it as a new interface as I also plan to give it a much nicer visual shape - so it will be more attractive to the normal folks. This might be very helpful when engaging with our research populations in projects like POPrebel. But yeah, it’s not like I’m proposing remaking the whole thing :slight_smile:

I know it is a technical detail but I would appreciate it if “normal” were not a term we use in our design/interactions within the context of edgeryders. Personally it is because I do not feel there is such a thing at all. Mainstream standards, patterns and behaviours, yes. Normal as a defining trait? Not so much…Then again, I’m a stickler for precision when it comes to this kind of thing.


Agree, I don’t like the word myself, it’s just hard to eradicate it from my language.

Says the cross-fit beast. Please.

Sounds good Natalia! I understand the need completely, even though i dont understand how interoperable it will be with existing projects. I am at a loss as to how this is good for wellbeing in Europe, and the weird mix of languages we are trying here.

I think it’s best to test it with one project - the Ljubljana exhibition say, file it under ER strategic investment, try to get a formal, visible partnership there, then evaluate accordingly. Otherwise it will be messy. If things go well, we can use it next year in POPREBEL too.

Super! Join our call, I will explain to you how (or when we meet this week) :))

would it be possible to put this discussion on the board’s agenda this week? I would like to submit the working version during our presentation of the final design on 24th of September and Ljubljana, and then already have it running for a couple of weeks to test it before the Biennale opens on the 14th of November.

I’m available to join a call and have a discussion about it as well

ping @noemi @nadia @alberto @matthias @hugi @johncoate

Could you help me by summarizing in a sentence or two what we should discuss? From what I understand in the post, the UX design is already covered in the budget from the museum so should not need a board decision?

The UX will be covered by the museum, but the coding isn’t - it would require preparing a new, simplified funnel for the platform via which one can answer questions without having to register first. These new users will get an email anyway and a chance to join the platform, but even without it, their answers will be collected on the platform to help conduct the study. It will be used as an easier way to input information and collect data for the research, but also a better way to make people share their impressions during conferences and workshops and in more spontaneous contexts.


I did an interview (we’re working as part of the research on personal stories from different people who tell us what their vision of retirement is, and collect them in written and video format) today with my friend who retired at the age of 32, after a booming, fast career in finances in London. What I’ve discovered from that discussion is that we’re not only talking about what people will be doing in their final decades but also - how do we attribute meaning to our lives when they don’t follow standard paths. This is a post-work world, but also a world of freelancers, with volatile careers and out-of-the-box scenarios, hard to explain to their parents. I think this could be a pretty amazing project later on: comparing the retirement dream to reality, seeing how the quality and way we do it change, and see what lessons does it bring for the automated world of UBI. Does that make sense?

Also, I’d like to ask if it’s possible to modify the way the graph works if I could find another bit of funding (from the biennale funds)? I’m thinking also of having new ways in which the discussion can be presented, at an exhibition, but also to other audiences. I guess everything is possible, just making sure :slight_smile:

I have wanted this for ages…

The former or the latter? :wink: or both?

Seems like i am able to make a lot of dreams come true this season :joy:

I’d say, the former thing (or at least that).

(You can see to which post somebody answered / is referring to by clicking on the “arrow and username” mark in the top right of somebody’s post. It helps in this case.)


Let me know if everything is clear enough to be discussed this week, if this won’t work, I will have enough time to develop an alternative in the upcoming weeks, so I’d be pretty much just grateful to have a response :slight_smile:

We are sticking to setting up an airtable form that people fill in and then community managers contact people one by one and help onboard them

we as in NGI and POPREBEL project teams.

every time a person is contacted, their data is erased from the form.