Presenting NGI research findings at the RIPE conference?

I recieved this today, maybe something for @alberto @hugi or @amelia

Dear friend,

at the RIPE NCC, have a programme called RACI: we used to provide funding for academics to present their research at events such as the RIPE Meeting and the RIPE NCC regional meetings. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s funds will instead be used to support research projects. We invite academic and research institutes to submit proposals relevant to work carried out by the RIPE NCC: Please send us a project proposal by 31 May. Your project does not have to be limited to the ones described above! Personally, I would encourage you to focus on impact of Internet on the environmental sustainability (low-tech / green tech), data justice, measuring the Internet health - and impact of COVID-19 on the Internet infrastructure, and/or resilience and well-being of “networkers”. If you choose “other” in the application form, please describe how is your project relevant to the RIPE community Working Groups: Feel free to spread this call to whomever you think might find it interesting. For any questions, please write to

It seems too close to the infrastructure for the stuff we are good at.

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