Press interested in the unMonastery - interviews + photoreportages

The unMonastery’s buzz is growing, and there is no doubt that all the work has been done by fellow Edgeryders through social media, Twitterstorms, networking and… talks in New York! It seems like [TOOLosophy] has been conveying interest across the ocean, since U.S.-based journalist Nathan Schneider contacted me last night with the following email

I’m a U.S.-based journalist who writes for a variety of publications like Harper’s, The Nation, and Al Jazeera. In a conversation with Andrei Trubceac (TOOLosophy on Edgeryders) in New York, I found out about the unMonastery project, and I’m curious to learn more about it — I’ve been on the lookout for digitally oriented and politically charged projects that adapt religious concepts in creative ways. Andrei suggested that I reach out to you. Would you be willing to talk with me some in the next week or two about the project, its rationale, and how it is evolving?

I proposed that not only we Skype, but we can actually do a Google Hangout with Edgeryders involved in the project and neo-unMonastarians willing to share their projects?

Not finished.

Elena Delfino and Daniele La Monaca want to come (at their own expenses) in Matera and do a photoreportage of the unMonastery and the unMonastarians: they would privilege an approach focused on the people and the projects . They sent me a link to their work, which I share with you (here). They are also interested in documenting “change coming from the South”. I just wrote back to them too to inform them that the first unMonastarians have been selected.

So for any of you who wish to join the call with Nathan, how about you tell me when’s a good moment?


Anytime next week

only exception is on the morning of December 10 and evening of december 13. Other than that, whenever.

Anytime next week

only exception is on the morning of December 10 and evening of december 13. Other than that, whenever.

Great News

Can I suggest Sunday evening? 8th?

It will need to be around 14:00 onwards, to account for New York times.

This is all great news, will follow up in full shortly!

Spoke to Nathan!

I just spoke to Nathan: was supposed to be a short talk but it ended up being quite a long conversation on the link between Matera and the unMonastery. I really believe speaking to people which no nothing or very little of the unMonastery is important: it obliges us to reformulate the project and think about the process which we have been plunged in until now. It’s like adopting an external eye for a while, evaluating the path which brought us here, and thinking of the future actions. Also, some questions can come quite unexpected, as well as recieving new information on similar projects. Nathan is very interested in the (un)religious dimension of the project, so I also thought that [Bembo Davies] could be a good person to talk to. In any case I will send him the link to the post with the links to the press and videos so he can read further.

Another thing: while talking I really am starting to figure out that the “connector” figure is something which is crucial in the interface dimension of the project in Matera, and I am willing to jump in that role. However, I would like to share this with the community and get your feedback on this. Any suggestions?

unMonastery liaison

With Rossella, we agreed that the unMonastery liaison needs to be physically resident in Matera. After some handwaving, we were lucky enough that [Rita O] accepted the gig (it is a small paid one). So, as of now, we do have a person with a little bit of money to perform that role. I might add that she overdelivered in the runup to LOTE3!

Of course this might change after the unMonasterians move in, and definitely for other iterations elsewhere.