Profile pictures for public presentation

Dear @reeflings,

I am working on a Powerpoint slide with a picture of all our households (see draft below). This graphic will also be used as a placeholder on the website until Team IT is ready with something else.


  • To all: are you ok with the picture from your personal presentation fiche? If no: can you please save the picture of your choice in this folder?
  • @ChrisM and @Sarah: can you please save a picture of the both of you together in the folder linked above?
  • @manuelpueyo and @ugne: can you please save a picture of the three of you together in the folder linked above?
  • @Mas: are you ok with a picture or would you prefer an avatar?
  • @RalfWetzel: I took the liberty to use your FB profile picture. If you want another one, can you please save it in the folder linked above and let me know?
  • @matteomeschiari, @Laurianne, @Celine_D and @ThomasMaertens: if you already know that you will be requesting Associate Membership, can you please let me know so that I can add your picture?

I’d be grateful if we could get this done shortly. We had a quick discussion in Team Inclusion recently, and we concluded that it’s important that people can see who we are. We are getting quite a lot of visitors to our website now because of the presentation, so the sooner we can fix this, the better.


@Lee @manuelpueyo @ugne I would prefer no pictures of children on The Reef’s and Edgeryders’s websites. They cannot give meaningful consent.


Done :slight_smile:

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done! thank you