Proposal: Guided Walking Tour before Plenary Meeting on 1st September

Hi all,

I want to make a proposal: Why don’t we go for a guided walking tour together before we have our plenary meeting on the 1st of September?

For my work, Het Andere Atelier, I organize several walks, lectures and workshops. One of the walks happens to be also on the 1st of September and very close to where our meeting is: Molenbeek, Maritime! The walk starts at 18h30, so an hour before our meeting (maybe we can put the meeting a tiny bit later?) and guides us through the streets of Molenbeek to show us what is going well mobility-wise (for example, we’ll see some of the Summer streets) and what could be done better.

I think it could also be a good first exercise for when we’re actually going to scout for a piece of land for The Reef building. What to look for, especially on the level of mobility surroundings?

What do you think? :slight_smile:



it seems a good idea but maybe a bit tight for me, keep me posted thank you @Pieter for the initiative

@manuelpueyo , Sure, I will :slight_smile:

Hi @Pieter,

Thanks a lot for the proposal. It sounds very interesting!

I don’t want to impose my opinion to the rest of the group of course, but I see a couple of objections:

  • The summer break has been a challenge for many people, in that they dearly wanted to move forward, but couldn’t because we had a two month summer break. For the first real plenary meeting my feeling is that several people have a need to make some actual progress now.
  • The plenary meeting is already shorter than it would otherwise be, because it will be followed by a visit to l’Echappée, so shortening it even more seems a little difficult.
  • Planning the visit also took quite some back-and-forth, and so I feel a little reluctant to change the timing again.

I see on the website that there are many events, and I am also very sure that it won’t be the last time that we’ll be meeting in the many corners of Brussels, so maybe we could just do it some other time?

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@Lee, okay that’s a fair assessment :slight_smile: We can always do this another time indeed :wink:


Second this.

Bottom line, I would be up for it as long as it finished at 19.15, within easy reach of L’Echappée. But yes, it does seem a bit tight.

That’s gonna be difficult, I think. In any case, if you want to walk a tiny bit with us before you head out to L’Echappée, you’re very welcome. The route (in Dutch) which we’ll take is now on our website. :wink:

Sounds like a nice thing to do! Definitely keep us posted… for the 1st of September, I’m not sure I can make the plenary because I have a work due… but my work is not far from there so maybe I could join for a bit (if it’s ok to come to only part of the walk)…

@Sarah, sure, you are very welcome to join the walk, even if you only want to do a part of it. :slight_smile:

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