Public presentation: Thursday 20 April

I lowered it now (it’s Google thingy).

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count on me, i will be there to help


Thanks guys!
How did it go??

The presentation was fine. I think we had 26 registrations, @manuelpueyo will have the list of those who atually showed up.

A small disappointment (ping @reef-recruitment): I returned the key today and was told that we had failed to re-arrange the room as it was before the meeting, and to clean it. This is particularly bad as people using that room tend to be elderly and cannot very well move heavy tables around. So I got scolded.

I myself arrived a bit late, and the room had already been arranged. At the end, we did dismantle our “lecture theater” configuration to put things back in order, but no one had taken a photo of the room how it was before we arrived, so we obviously got it wrong. And I admit I did not think of checking the floor and kitchen for cleanliness. Bad. :frowning:

Not taking a picture before we started reshuffling is on me. I added a line on this in the manual (internal link).

I also regret not having checked the kitchen.

What I take from this is that the next time we do this I would like it if we would find a “coordinator” for every cluster of tasks that is in the manual, so that we are sure that nothing gets forgotten (money box, registration list etc).

All in all I cound 12 households and 14 people present.