Public presentation: Thursday 20 April

Just a quick message that we got the confirmation from the venue that we are good for the 20th of April.

I have updated the website (text & registration form) and will be posting an ad on Samenhuizen and Habitat & Participation tomorrow. When I find the time I will also try to write a short manual that lists all the things that need to be done, so that we can share the work more easily in the future.

Important note: please don’t share the direct link to the registration form on social media, as it gets picked up by bots, and then we get spammed by thousands of registrations per hour, which is dearly unpleasant.

@reef-comms: can you please do the necessary on social media, send out a message to the people who registered for our mailinglist and print a set of flyers? I can go pick up the flyers and worst case send them by mail to a couple of people across town (for others to pick them up there).

After the Coordination Group meeting tomorrow I will also list it in the list of things that need to be done, including the fact that we need 2-3 more people who can be there on the evening to help out.


ok. with everything. but for the flyers it seems to me a bit short , they need time in the places to be picked up by people.

Hi @manuelpueyo,

I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Worst case I use a couple more envelopes and send them around to everybody who wants them. But maybe given the short time it’s not necessary to order as many as last time?

this is done

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i will check if the graphic designer is availiable tomorrow for a quick change of dates in the previous flyer,

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@reeflings, if you would be on Facebook, could you please share our event on your timeline?


Done from me. Also Twitter (but these days I don’t have any grip on Twitter) and Mastodon. Will do several more rounds of this.


Do you want me to share it also in groups such as Expats in BXL and local groups?

As much as you can. Thanks a lot!

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I’d be happy to help out on the evening of the event!


@ClaudiaPr @alberto @manuelpueyo and @ChrisM: thanks a lot for wanting to help out for the presentation.

The manual is saved in the folder of Team Recruitment and Onboarding (internal link)

Here’s a couple of questions:

  • @ChrisM: would you be willing to coordinate the stuff that is listed under “logistics on the day: before we get started”?

  • @manuelpueyo: can you please bring the money box?

  • @alberto and @ChrisM and/or @Sophie_Beese (?): can you please conspire and come up with a system that allows people to book the one-on-ones? (see separate post: Presentation follow-up)

  • @alberto and @ChrisM, can you please have a look at the modified slides on the membership process (link received by email)?


@Alberto - are you ok to pick up the key? And I can help you carry the screen, beamer and cables if you tell me what time to meet you at your place…

@Lee - does someone have to do a beer and juice run from the supermarket nearby just before? Happy to do that myself if needed… just need to know what time to be available for that. Looks like we need a 24-box of Jupiters and a few bottles of juice. Shall I print a price list?

I’m happy to either meet people at the door or do bar duty. I imagine that @alberto will need to be on IT set up, so can @Sophie_Beese or @manuelpueyo volunteer for the other one of those jobs… free choice :slight_smile: And that will leave the third person to do the fries run at 18h45…

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I’m out of town from tomorrow until Sunday - just doing admin from a distance, sorry.

@ChrisM: we have enough beers from the previous session (at Alberto’s), so we only need two bottles of juice.

A printed price list would be super nice to have (so far we went with pen and paper).

I’ve responded on this post

I’ll pick up some bottles of juice then, and help @alberto bring the beers with the other kit from his place…

So as Sophie isn’t there, @manuelpueyo if you can do welcoming at the door, I’ll do the fries run and then move to bar duty when I get back from that…

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I am happy to do either the welcome at the door or the welcome at the bar! Just let me know what’s needed.

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On slide 26, the green bar at the bottom is blocking some of the text in the boxes. And I’m not sure if the dates are clear enough under the blue arrows. I would suggest that: under arrow 1, it says ‘In the next 3 weeks’; under arrow 2, it says ‘by 17/5’; and under arrow 3, it says by 17/8’ (so 3 months, not 4).

Also, I think it’s worth highlighting in the presentation that we’ve changed this recently, because we’re entering the business end of the project.

Slide 27 looks fine :slight_smile:

My reasoning for 17/05 was that 3 weeks (11/05) seems like a mission impossible.

My reasoning for 17/09 is that the summer break will prevent us from getting to know the newlings, idem for getting together should we receive a membership request.

What do you think?

All good for me! The green bar is still a bit high…