Publishing TREASURE data

This is for @ivan and @Nica .

I have exported the data and am preparing the metadata for publication. I need some background information for the description field. Something like:

Pseudonymized data of the semantic social network from the TREASURE project. The corpus consists of interviews, realized between January 2022 and June 2023, to European car owners and stakeholders in the circular economy debate. TREASURE is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, grant n. 101003587.

Could you please revise the text in bold, providing a description to help the people who want to re-use the data? Thanks!

Here is what I suggest:

The first version is online. For now, Nica is the only author, but other authors can be added in the metadata. We have:

  • 6,219 posts
  • 196 participants
  • 5,161 annotations
  • 300 codes.
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The project is closed now and we promised we would upload our datasets to Zenodo, and connect it to the Treasurte community - TREASURE: leading the TRansition of the European Automotive SUpply chain towards a circulaR futurE.

@alberto is working on this, and will probably need @daniel’s help with the file conversion.

Indeed. @daniel, my Python script won’t work anymore, because of the new limitations to the number of API calls. So, I’ll need your help again to create Data Explorer queries to export everything pertaining to coding projects.

What I’m looking for is to create, from a coding project, four files:

  1. Participants
  2. Posts
  3. Annotations
  4. Codes

The variables I need in each file are specified in the datapackage.json file here: The TREASURE semantic social network data on the circular economy aspect of automotive manufacturing.

Once the query is made, I see that Data explorer supports export as CSV. The datapackage.json is probably going to stay as is, but anyway I will check it and make manual edits as needed.

Can you help me here? Huge thanks!

@alberto sure can do this. I already created one query for annotations and will create the others later today.

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