Q&A building stuff - advanced

hi @joannes @Hannah @Jeroen @Perrine @Christian @Odile

I am bringing the message i’ve send you earlier to the public sphere as there was no need to do it in a private message
Tagging @reef-recruitment , to inform you, if you would have any remarks …

As i previously mentioned to the associate members and recently joining full members, i took the initiative to propose another Q&A about building stuff.

  • as i remember it was/is sometimes hard joining after x years and sometimes struggling to catch up with what happened before one joined or even after joining, but sometimes hard to follow as there is so much to learn.
  • having some big ‘building’ decisions to be taken the coming time

If you don’t have any questions or need for this, no need to join. The goal is purely so you feel more comfortable.

Hannah mentionned she is interested, so i’ll wait a little longer and set up a one on one, or a 'Q&A session for several people.


Thanks for the initiative Els !

This feels like the right place to add that I offered Joke and Axel a site visit the other day at the apero evening, and Hannah said that she would also like to be involved with that. I’ll probably organise it after our next Team R&O meeting…

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