Question on the number of units for each number of bedrooms


I can not judge whether this is info you prefer to know about, (be)fore this Thursdays presentation, so i let you be the judge of that…
One of the questions we asked was:
‘Say if we have an average of 90m2 per apartment’, than we’ll end up with 21 units (they confirmed this was a correct deduction).
We asked whether it would be ok if we could have a proportion of

  • 8 2-bedroom apartments,
  • 7 1-bedroom apartments and
  • 6 3-bedroom apartments.

the architects answered ‘it is likely that this will be accepted’. They explained that the commune doesn’t want big promotors to build apartment block with all 1-bedroom apartments , which give them the highest profit (if i understood well). Here we’re far from that…

If i count well, with Koen on standby, caro/quentin having left, me switching to a 3 bedroom apartment, the actual result is: 5 two bedroom apartments. If Lucia/Alin join, that makes 6, but so we would still have space to take on 2 people/families wanting a 2 bedroom apartment.

ps for some reason i cannot post a reply in the ‘team recruitement and onboarding : general affairs’ thread, so that’s why i did it via a private message…

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I have not found one such thread. So I am taking the liberty of making the post public with the appropriate tags. Also ping @reef-recruitment .


Shouldn’t we update the text of the Facebook event for the 20th? It still says we are not looking for 2-bedrooms…


I’ll contact Manuel… It was also in the previous text on Samenhuizen/Habitat & Participation. I adapted it as well