Raclette at Chris and Sarah’s – 22 October

Hi @reeflings!

We’re having another social gathering at our place on the 22nd, this time involving great quantities of melted cheese. It’s open to everyone who is part of the Reef project, and will also be another opportunity for the small group of people that @RalfWetzel is fast-tracking to come and meet a few of the current team :slight_smile:

We’ll start at about 7ish, and probably fire up the raclettes (raclette machines? raclette makers?) at about 8.

As most of you know, we’re in Anderlecht, quite close to the Saint Guidon metro station, and there’s plenty of STIB and De Lign public transport coming from all directions. The address can be found easily in the Members Registry file on Nextcloud.

At some point nearer to the time we’ll start thinking about who needs to bring what, but for now the main thing is to get an idea of how many people would like to come, so that we can be well prepared regarding chairs, plates, etc. So let us know in reply to this thread if you’re around on the 22nd and keen to attend…



Melted cheese! Count me in!

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And if I may add, raclette makers and little pans potentially!

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thank you! sounds like a consistent invite. l love melted chese but that day we are out of town at a wedding :grinning:

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Very happy to join :slight_smile: I can also bring a raclette (very old but hopefully still functioning).


I’m in! And so is @ThomasMaertens

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So it looks like me, Sarah, Lie, Sophie, Celine and Thomas.
Plenty of raclette to go round if there is anyone else who would still like to join…
@Lee - would you like to invite Vicky?

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I did (as with all of the fast recruits), but unfortunately she already had other plans.

soooo wonderful, Chris & Sarah! please book me in, I am pushing hard for a friend to come and meet the reef before next monday. Looking very much forward to re-connect!


Hi everyone!
So we’re thinking it might be best if we do the shopping, cause having a raclette potluck style is a bit hard to coordinate optimally… We’ll just ask you for a little contribution (usually with raclette it’s about 10-15pp but we’ll let you know). There will be some kind of box for this :slight_smile:
Also we have 2 raclette machines but mostly shitty mini pans… Would anybody be able to bring some??
We’ll have one or two bottles of white wine but feel free to bring your favorite “cuvée” or any other beverage you might like :slight_smile:
See you Saturday!


I can bring some mini pans.


I’ll bring another bottle of wine. See you tonight :slight_smile:

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Can’t make it, so sorry to miss this one too!