Re-Thinking Economics

Hi, Alberto-
I just came across this group in my peregrinations. You may want to start a dialog with them.


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Hi @petussing - thanks for the heads up, this looks really interesting. If we set up a call with them, would you like to be in it?

ping @kajafarszky could you maybe help get in touch with them and organise a call around possible collaboration with the science fiction economics lab?
A good place to refer to is the publications/mdia as well as maybe the website:

MEDIA COVERAGE of the SciFi Econ Lab event in November last year

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Hi, Nadia-

I would be glad to be part of the telephone call. That said, I have no defined relationship with Edgeryders, other than being interested in what you are doing, especially on this topic. If this is comfortable for you, I would be glad to participate.

Best wishes,

Phillip Tussing

  • “The Universe… is matter that thinks, but with an abysmally low intellect”

-Lem (after Spinoza)

Update on this, @nadia is meeting Cameron from Rethinking economics on Tuesday next week 12h-13h. @petussing, is this also for you a possible moment to join?

So… you are in Brussels? That is seven hours ahead of me… so noon to one would be… 5 to 6 AM here… bit early for me…

Best wishes,

Phillip Tussing

  • “The Universe… is matter that thinks, but with an abysmally low intellect”

-Lem (after Spinoza)

Ah, yes, we are in Brussels. Sorry, I didn’t know that you’re not in Europe…
Let’s just keep it like this now, and then if needed, @nadia can update you, or we schedule another meeting. Sounds good?

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Let me know if you need any help with this! I would be very interested!

OK. I do hope that someone can take notes or something, so that I can follow what was discussed.

Best wishes,

Phillip Tussing

  • “The Universe… is matter that thinks, but with an abysmally low intellect”

-Lem (after Spinoza)