[re]vive call 4 ideas @ Fuori Salone 2013 in Milan

More than 20 makers, startups and designers will win a space to produce culture and innovation @FuoriSalone for €8 /m2. [re]vive is a 4 days happening transforming an unused building into a productive space of culture and making.

[re]vive call 4 ideas invites makers, creatives and startups to describe and display the spreading of the productive and creative phenomena that lighten up Milan like Barcelona, Berlin, NY or… Palermo! Pioneers of the DIY and of the p2p, practitioners of social innovation and sustainability, inventors, designers, developers, technological artists, sound designers, photographers, prototypers, craftsmen and theoreticians in search a public: you all are the actors that we are looking for, from April 11 to 14, to give birth to our idea of the contemporary library [re]vive!

Deadline of the Call is 25 March 2013 at 12.00 (UTC +01:00), so just a few days left!

Visit to our site for more information and for the submission of your idea.

I will be there!

I will be there. It is very clear to me that we are sitting on a huge, underused wealth of real estate. There is a really large market failure looming in the background. I am very curious of the process you have cooked up to ameliorate this problem and get some of those resources back online.