Ready to sign?

Dear all,

none of you fed me back with comments requesting comments/edits, from which I conclude you are ok to sign the GA in its actual state.

I got replies from EHFF and Edgeryders confirming they are not concerned with Annex 2a.

I plan to indeed validate the whole thing (part A + part B) later this morning. Please react and confirm you are OK with this timeline. I admit I am a bit worried I haven’t heard much from you guys.



Hi Guy and you all

and sorry for the delay…

we reviewed the documents and we don’t have any particular concern about that.

We had also a short call with wemake and shared with them some thoughts about timing of the activities in WP1 which involve Milan. I suppose Cristina will send a couple of comments. For the rest, all right!

Thank you very much for the work done!

Rossana and Lucia (City of Milan)

just 1 “stupid” note (if you have time):

  • you said “Work packages had to be re-numbered so they now go from 1 to 6”: check Table 3.4.a p. 41/67 (partB), where the “old” numbering appears (WP0 to WP5)

Table 3.4a

Dear Rossana,

you are right, numbers of work packages in Table 3.4a were wrong. I then realized we don"t have to include it in part B as this information is integrated into part A based on the data inserted in the various forms on the portal.

Hi Guy,

We have read all documents and we need to modify timing in WP3:

- WP3 starts on month 2 (task 3.3: 2-20)


D 3.2 from month 18 to month 20


WP 2 - Description of deliverables: task 2.2 in stead of 1.2




Problem fixed

I have updated D.3.2 with due date to 20 (with no specified starting date).

Thoughts on part A

@melancon, I have a proposal. Are you sure you want deliverables D5.1 and D5.2 as reports? Would it not be better to make them “Websites, patents filling etc.”? I was thinking a careful wiki on the GitHub repo instead of a report that then will only be read once, by the PO… other than that, Part A is OK for me. Now reading part 2.

OK with 5.1 as “Websites …” …

… maybe not (or less) for D5.2 -l athought we’ll probably want to make our requiremement analysis available through our website/wiki/etc. (as a pre-version of a report).

Part B?

Part B seems to be just a table of contents. What am I supposed to validate?

Try downloading part B again!

I just tried downloading part B and I do get a 66 page document. Anyone else experienced this problem?

This is what I see

The PDF icon is missing on the Part B line. The blue download icon is clickable, but nothing happens when I click it. If I click on the icon on the left (the one with the “T” I get just a Table of content.

Make sure you allow pop-ups

You’re right, the icon is not the pdf icon, but rather a small blue icon.

Clicking the blus icon triggers the “generation” of a pdf document. You normally get a pop-up screen showing a message asking you to be patient while your document is being downloaded. Make sure you allow pop-ups windows (you may have adblock installed, for instance).

Ok from EHFF

From our perspective this seems to be just fine.

One question however, should not the meetings/internal conferences be listed as tasks/milestones?



@cristina this morning suggested some important modification regarding our timing.

- WP3 starts on month 2 (task 3.3: 2-20)

Deliverables D 3.2 from month 18 to month 20

– Mistake: WP 2 - Description of deliverables: task 2.2 in stead of 1.2 - 

On the platform is still “wrong”.

Let me know if I need to modify it or only you can do it.

We also talk to @alberto.

Let me know 

I will modify part A (and B) – don’t worry

I will take care of all edits, don’t worry.

Thanks all for your careful reading.

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