After some more reflection
I feel the urge to beat a dead horse some more (perhaps my perception is wrong and the horse still has a pulse). Seeing that you are going to be busy with meeting people the next couple of days, I thought I’d try to do you a favor and summarize my arguments a little (á la unMon’s 2 types of work):
The Descender (unElevator) Pitch version 0.3
Use when traveling down in elevator, frustrated, after a work day full of meetings.
Imagine a world that can’t be saved through quarterly reports (or five year plans).
Competing for resources to address symptoms several degrees away from the problems.
Imagine that individual gut feeling reliably ends up leading the majority in the wrong direction. Imagine your gut just told you: you (or your kids) probably aren’t in this majority. Imagine we’ve made some big mistakes. Imaging the safest way out of this is by making MUCH more mistakes, and making decisions your gut tells you are probably NOT good. Imagine a world that can’t be saved through elevator pitches, but hard unpopular work. Imagine we’re suffering from anosognosia, but can’t look it up because we don’t know it exists, or we’re too lazy to write it down when we hear it. Where would we start?
A NOSO GNOSIA - without knowledge of sickness. If you prefer a more neutral latin term: meta-cognition
I’ll be waiting here at the entrance long enough for you to leave, walk to the car, and walk back here. Or, what I would prefer: You go outside, lean on the wall, close your eyes and “smell the roses” for a minute. Maybe make a call that you’ll be 10 minutes later. If that feels too funny (more funny than going to “work”), that’s okay - you’re probably not the one we’re looking for anyway.
Now you could do the ELEVATOR pitch that lists the things you can start with to address the problems. It should conclude that collaboration is important - thus you ask the person to snowball the pitch to two more people. Not more not less. Not today, not tomorrow - but when the time is right. And we would make sure there is someone from our group there to listen and answer questions that may come up in the next few days. If however he/she is already engaged in a similar activity - we would be happy if he/she pursues this more intensively, consider this as a pad on the back, and just give us a nod on the site so we know where to find him/her.
I think this has veered off topic just a liiittle bit. But if it was possible to restructure (tag) texts effectively it wouldn’t really matter, right. QED?