Call for participation: #Futurespotters Bucharest Int’l Workshop, 9-10 July

I know Edgeryders from Babele/NOD

I really do agree with Manu, and that is one of the main reason for attending this event. We need to join our forces and have more visible actions in order to attract the attention of local communities and also for mobilizing others, and for that to happen we must show them we are able to make a change regardless of what material resources we have, but only by working together, sharing knowledge and resources, and also having a entrepreneurial approach for monetizing the ideas.

A few words on what I do: In the day, I am a Marketing Manager at a software company, and at night, I am working at starting an NGO to support electronic/alternative music industry in Romania, and also I am trying to build a co-working space for the music community in Bucharest. That’s how I discovered that we have a pretty small community and that others only see their own interest…

On how can I help at this workshop, I can make a video montage with all the videos we will have after the workshop. I was also thinking at video streaming the workshop, but here we will need a good internet connection and also some help, because I’m not really sure how to do this. In general, I can help with not very complex graphic design and Wordpress websites, audio-video editing, helping in organizing and promoting events. I will also start promoting this workshop how much I can :slight_smile:

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NGO to support music community sounds great!

What would be your needs at this point? We’re trying to get a sense of both needs and skills of the people/projects in the community, to understand the potential for collaboration.

Your video montage and audio-editing skills sound awesome, since we were just thinking about how to make the most out of what @gabi_copoeru will document on video at the workshop. We were thinking of a short teaser to post immediately after the workshop + a 4 min video on what went on at the workshop and where we’re heading with the Edgeryders community in Bucharest. Any thoughts are very welcome, especially on the graphic design side.


In the beginning I will need a lot of advices on managing an NGO, and also maybe someone can help me with a censor and an accountant . Would be perfect if they can collaborate pro bono

That’s the spirit!

“We must show them we are able to make a change regardless of what material resources we have, but only by working together, sharing knowledge and resources, and also having a entrepreneurial approach for monetizing the ideas.”

What is there left to add? Well said, @elena_oglinda!

Getting engaged with like-minded people

I am hoping to meet like minded, action oriented people to join forces for promoting an open and free Internet. I am actively involved with ApTI (the Association for Technology and Internet) in the areas of digital rights (especially privacy and freedom of speech), creative commons, open data and Internet Governance doing advocacy and public policy work as well as educational and awareness projects. I would love to get engaged with people interested in digital issues and see how we can develop together more tools for social change.



…and welcome aboard I suppose. :slight_smile:

If you ever need some heads to bounce ideas off, I will gladly provide. I have a couple of open questions with regard to privacy and collaboration. Nothing urgent - but is shows my position/where I’m stuck a little.

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I’ll be there! How can I help?

Hey, edgers!

Found about futurespotters from Noemi. She talked about Edgeryders at a public meeting at The Sponge. I’m attending this workshop and I can help with live social media sharing and photography (I hope my phone will do the job, in case I won’t find a better camera for this event).

Seen you soon. Can’t wait to meet you guys!  



Lucian, didn’t get to speak too much in person but I’m very glad you’re on board! Which media tools you use?

So far we have been using the hashtag #fututurespotters on twitter and on facebook, and now we want to build a facebook event page, as some folks here said it would be more useful to invite others via facebook. If you can help with that too it would be great…

Also, we have been using Storify to collect and select most interesting stuff in the live feed of an event - see example here. Any other tools that you use or would suggest we use, collectively? Let’s coordinate? Thanks @lucian!

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FB event, online tools and stuff

Yeah, we will have time next week to talk. Everyone at The Sponge was impressed with EdgeRyders and your presentation yesterday and they kept you busy after it. :slight_smile: I’m really glad I attended that meeting!

I can make a Facebook event for this, it’s no problem. I noticed you don’t have a Facebook page for EdgeRyders. The only problem with this is that it will say event created by Lucian Rotaru. For credibility it is best that a page is behind your event. I can make it on The Sponge Facebook page if it’s ok for you. Also, I will need some details: do you want it to be in english (name, description) or in romanian?

I know about your hashtag and I’m already using it on FB and Twitter, but I don’t see anything on Instagram. It’s a really cool social media app and it’s very popular in Bucharest. For example, #EnjoyBucharest is a hashtag for a campaign from this year. It has more that 5000 pictures. Ok, they had a lot of local bloggers behind that one, but I don’t think that is hard to do with such an inspiring event like futurespotters.

A very usefull tool for Twitter that I use is You can add a bunch of accounts, schedule tweets, re-tweet on all of your accounts with 2 clicks and more.  They also have a team option but I don’t use that one yet. 

Fb event

Actually, ER has a facebook page, but we’re only using it to get people in, as opposed to moving the conversation and data on commercial services.

I think it would be more collaborative to make it under Sponge or even your own name, and add us as hosts: me, Alex Stef, or EdgeRyders, or whoever wants to be added. I don’t care about brands much :slight_smile: If you get it started, we’ll follow. Most important instruction in the event description is for new people who will register in the upcoming days to read some of the stories in this group and leave a comment on them (see point 2. above in the event description). That will matter especially if we need to close registration and confirm limited no. of attendants. Room holds over 30, but chairs and food won’t.

Instagram? Well, to build up a campaign around a hashtag would take time, but if there are enthusiasts here why not? Go for it. Tweetdeck I use too, and will hand over accounts to people who want in on the social media thing, to not overburden you.

PS Interesting for you to say that the Sponge crowd was impressed, I thought it was one of the toughest crowds I met in Bucharest (in terms of critical thinking and being results oriented). You made my day :slight_smile:

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We have a Facebook event!

You can find the event here:

Please join, share or invite friends!

We can just start posting on Instagram with #futurespotters first and then see if we have time and people for a full on campaign. I still need to find out more about Future Spotters and then we’ll see what can we do. See you next week!

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Real-Time Engagement Solution

Btw, we used this tool for GPeC Summit in May: You can check it out here.

Noemi can we print some stuff or is it too late?

  1. The talk to me bubble (I think you already have the files, @noemi, no?)

Also, inspired by Cosmin’s interest in fundraising ideas, I would love to take the opportunity of us being together to make a few beautiful items that can be produced and sold by community members to support future work. Ideally the items would embody/embed and facilitate the kinds of behaviours we wish to see ourselves and others engage in.

I’m currently working on something in the context of a different project we are running in seven countires, FutureMakers, a follow up to FutureSpotters and realised that maybe I ought to bring it into the workshop and we could build this together?

The concept is based on Enzo Mari’s fable game, a story construction set comprised of six cards, covered with Mari’s depictions of all the classic elements of fairy tales and fables: animals, umbrellas, mountains, moons, etc. The slotted card design allows children to make up their own stories that they can tell them to adults or to other children.

Very simply and generalising a lot: Narrative is an important part of what enables us to navigate uncertainty. If we think of ourselves as actors in the theatre of life, we manage to navigate the complexity basically by choosing the character closest to ourselves and then playing out the script. So if we want to see ourselves and others engage in different behaviors we need to create new characters based on who we want to be (a realistic and pragmatic idea of who our better selves can be) and new stories between them that we can then really enact.

What do you guys think?



So other than the Talk to me about… bubbles what should we print?

The totems above on a carton? How many and at what dimensions?

No need to print anything other than the talk to me bubbles

The rest we make together during workshop anyway :slight_smile:

It seems like a great game Nadia,  I’ll be glad to build it together. Also, I collaborate with a Montessori Kindergarten so I will ask the educators there if they are interested to acquire the game.  See you soon!

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Great, let’s set up a skype call to start developing it?

Was Would love to develop this with you. As you may know Jeff and I have changed plans and are hitchiking to Belgrade to check out more spaces and projects relevant to what we all discussed this weekend. So I will be offline most of tomorrow. But after then I can definitely make it in the coming days? Pick a day and time?

I’m in as well! What can I do?

Hello everyone,

I’ve been offline for a while, but happy to see how many amazing people are already on board for this project - really cool! I am now in Bucharest as well, would love to participate and get to know you all in case registration is still open.

I can also do some social media live share during the event, but let me know what else I can do - if you need any sort of help now or on the site?

Thanks and really hoping to meet you all!

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Glad you’re joining!

Hi @atzu and welcome back in town! Social media live share sounds great, @lucian has suggested several channels and tools for engagement - maybe you two can coordinate on the spot? We’re giving shout-outs for help via the tasks, which are quickly being taken care of cuz you’re a great crowd. At this point, sharing the call for the workshop is what’s still active (few spots left, but maybe you know of specific people who should join).

Also, if you have questions or suggestions that you’d like to see addressed at any of the working sessions, leave them in a comment on the agenda wiki.

Can’t wait to meet live!

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coming from Brasov for this (Laborazon Maker Space)


I’m very excited to attend the event. I already know some of the people attending and can’t wait to meet the rest of you.

I represent Laborazon Maker Space from Brasov, a place for experimentation and community, for makers and hackers alike.


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