Recycle Cafe (Egypt)

Recycle Cafe is an environmental café
Recycle Cafe is an environmental café that provides environmental, technical and cultural services to the community.

“Recycle café” the idea of grapping the attention of people to raise awareness about Waste & E-waste Recycling to train & empower them to be able to reach their financial goals through co-working space.

Value :-
Providing Art trainings among all society Categories to raise awareness of Waste &E-waste Recycling to enhance the skills of entrepreneurial activities, To leverage economical standards (SME’s) & Environmental awareness Safety.

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Hi @Marwa-Adam, does your cafe exist already or is it a concept you are working on?

I am not sure I understand the connection between what seem to be your key objectives: raise awareness about waste, provide art trainings and grow entrepreneurs? Will artists who do work on waste become more entrepreneurial through being members in your cafe?

Have you read about the toys out of trash project? Is that an example of the work which could be encouraged? Feel free to connect with Hadeer by leaving a comment with your feedback!

There’s an opportunity for you to connect with Repair Café, a worldwide movement of spaces doing the same thing. See also Wikipedia about them. If nothing else, this kind of international networking may be interesting to get funding for the initial investment.

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ازيك يا مروة…عجباني الفكرة بس كنت مستنية ردك علي الأسئلة وبعدين نتواصل

يا تري الفكرة علي ارض الواقع ولا لسة في مرحلة التخطيط؟

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