Hi @reeflings !
I’ve spent the last week thinking about the decision we are in the process of making regarding whether to have the common space in both the Obelix and Idéfix buildings, or have one common space in Obelix. I have my own preference, as do others, but this post concerns my role as the facilitator, and will attempt to provide clarity about the decision-making process itself.
As you all know, we use sociocracy to organise ourselves and make decisions because it is designed (amongst other things) to allow every member’s voice to be heard, and to arrive at decisions that everyone consents to (and can therefore live with). A proposal is put forward, questions are asked and answered, and any concerns are raised. If those concerns can be dealt with, the proposal is consented to. If not, the proposal is reworked and/or adapted, sometimes in that moment, and at others at some point later, to return to a plenary on another day.
Why am I (over)explaining this? Because what we are faced with currently is different. What we have is an initial proposal (common space in both the Obelix and Idéfix buildings) and a counter-proposal (one common space in Obelix). According to Many Voices, One Song (our go-to manual for sociocracy): “The complexity, both around process and on content-level, increases immediately as soon as a counter-proposal is on the table, and we have seen many groups lose their focus in the face of this complexity.”
Which is in no way to say that members shouldn’t make counter-proposals, just that they are a special type of challenge from a facilitation perspective. It should be noted that neither the initial proposal nor the counter-proposal has ever been on our agenda as a potential decision, only as discussion points. Which means that the Full Members have never been asked to consent to either proposal, which is always our starting point before considering other forms of decision-making (more on this below). It is also worth noting that when we consent (or not) to proposals at a plenary meeting, we are doing so (as much as possible) with the interest of the Reef in mind, rather than in accordance to our preferences.
So this is what I propose for the plenary on Thursday, based on the sociocracy handbook and what our governance document says about making level 4 decsions :
- We make a decision on the original proposal (questions/concerns/consent)
- We make a decision on the counter proposal (questions/concerns/consent)
- Those not at the plenary have the right to object to either proposal in the following two days
If all members can live with one proposal, but some cannot live with the other, then the decision is made. If everyone can live with both proposals, or if both proposals have some people who cannot live with them, we follow our governance document and move to alternative methods of decision-making, which would be qualified majority voting (QMV) or multi-voting (some form of the latter being the most likely).
If we arrive at this point, there are additional challenges, such as how much weight to give to personal preferences vs the good of the Reef, or how to weight certain criteria. It’s also more complicated to give a proxy if we go with multi-voting over QMV. This can all be worked out in the period between this week’s plenary and the following meeting, at which time (according to Team Building) a decision will have to be made.
One last thing. I think we can all agree that there have been times when we avoided complex or difficult decisions by ‘kicking the can down the road’. I do not think this is one of those times. Having two diametrically opposed proposals, with passionate voices on both sides and differing perspectives about what is in the best interest of the project itself, is no small thing to deal with. And this will undoubtedly not be the last time that we are in this position. Which is why I think it is important to stick to our working methods and governing guidelines as much as possible.

(For more info on counter-proposals, see page 215 of Many Voices, One Song: Login – Nextcloud)
(For more info on how we aim to make decisions at the Reef, see Section 5 of the governance document: Login – Nextcloud)