réforme droits d'enregistrement Bruxelles 2023

Yup, sorry for not getting back to you.

What I understood from my notary is this that we will be entitled to an abatement on the share of the casco that represents the purchase of the site. He nevertheless mumbled something saying that the details depend on how the société simple does this and that, so we’ll need to pass on that question to our notary when we get hold of him again.

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Ok, thanks for your answer!

I actually don"t get that first answer! :sweat_smile: I think you are saying we will get abbatement only on the price of the land, is that right?
But anyway, our notary is certainly the best personn to go to indeed, so happy to wait for his answer :slight_smile:

Exactly. I phrased more complicated than needed :sweat_smile:

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Hi there!

Just a little reminder to clarify this at the meeting with the notary.
Also tagging @reef-finance.


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