Refresh Lote3 participants list: who is really coming?

Since June when we launched the first invitation to Living on the Edge at unMonastery Matera, over 100 people across Europe and beyond have said to attend, as by this list. No surprises so far! Since registration is a rather easy process, anyone who has at least once considered coming is on the list. 

As we expect the number to keep growing, at the same time we need to develop a realistic expectation as to who is really coming. This is important for organisational purposes: to adjust the number of conference venues (unMonastery is hardly enough for everyone) and have time to book more space if needed; to estimate how much food we need; to organise the welcoming of everyone and make sure there’s enough volunteers to help people reach Matera if needed etc.

This task is dated September 25th, that’s when we start ringing the alarm, as Alberto has put it. By then hopefully we’ll have more venues booked and more accommodation offers. Ideally asking people to make a final, informed decision will come with all logistics information to back it up. I suggest using the mailing list and asking for their short reply as confirmation.

Profiles too!

While we are at it, I think it is important to bully LOTErs into filling in their profile, especially the pictures and the location info. Ideally, the two top tabs in the brand new user profile should be filled by all!