Refreshing Our Communication Strategy

daily diary

@Ben my idea is quite easy. I’d like that, daily, we write quick notes on what we’ve done and people we’ve met (also info about what they do). Sometimes it happens that I meet people that had already met other unmonasterians but none else knows so I think that informations don’t circulate between us in the proper way. In addition, maybe this might be helpful for a weekly summary and for @La_Gaia evaluation on networks. On my side, this could help me to understand which kind of Materani are involved and if I can facilitate some hidden interactions

Useful for networks!

Hey @Rita O, see above.

Very useful for me :slight_smile:

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Re-instated community calls

Hi guys,

I’ve been reading this from afar, and first I want to say that community calls are back. But the reasons they have worked before Lote3 and less at the beginning of this year is not just because, like @Alberto said above, they need someone to take charge and organise them. Also because they need content: someone to set the agenda and let the others know where help is needed, concretely. And then of course, do writeups and keep an overview of who’s doing what from one week to another.

Giving that we’ll be starting to prepare our Spot the Future June event and tentatively events at unMonastery in the fall, it makes sense to put time into weekly coordination. And now that you need a tight overview on unMon communications, even more…

So my question to you is: would you be up for having a couple of unMonasterians in the weekly calls? Can you keep Dorotea or myself updated with short agendas and get involved in preparing the calls? I no longer think one of us can keep track of everything, at the pace at which things on Edgeryders evolve. The next one is this Thursday, but since it’s a holiday and long weekend some of us are away, myself included. Check the call you can attend and let us know in a comment?

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Tomorrow’s Call

Hey @Noemi

I could potentially join Thursday’s call, however is it set to go ahead, has it been circulated? Above and beyond this I’d be happy to lend a hand going forward, let me know where you’re collating agenda’s in advance and how things are being promoted and I’ll contribute what I can. I’ve also prompted other unMonasterians to join so hopefully we’ll start building good connections in the next few weeks :slight_smile: Ping @Bembo Davies @Kei @mariabyck @RitaO

yes please :slight_smile:

yes please keep us updated if you can join the community calls,

the next one is 1st of May, but it’s a holiday, some people might be away, and some of us will be at the OuiShare Labs Camp, so it’s possible that we might be busy at the time of the call, but in general please join any call you can attend :slight_smile:

I’m in :slight_smile:

ty @Ben, I want to join! not possible this thursday but hopefully next ones :slight_smile:

great :slight_smile:

see you in the calls ! :slight_smile:

I would like to be in on these calls.

just signed up for tomorrow