Report from consortium call, April 2

Present: @Alberto, @Lakomaa, @markomanka, @Costantino, @melancon. Only partner missing (and excused) is the City of Milano).


  1. deadline for the draft pushed back to April 9th at 10.00 am
  2. look for a better name?
  3. Marco to upload ASAP the work he has done offline
  4. Costantino to prioritize the writing of the service design state of the art and own contribution so we can involve Ezio
  5. Marco to address ethics aspects. Threefold strategies: use "pre-emptive consent portals" so that the community accepts for its content to be re-used (stronger than presents TOS in Edgeryders; hire two Ethics Advisors; promise to submit the project to the Swedish Ethics board for research projects (via Erik).
  6. Include a collaboration with Translators without Borders (budget for it). Care of Marco.

See you next week.

Budgets & tasks

Everyone hi!

I am putting together section 3.1 Work plan and I will need to latch onto the spreadsheet with tasks and budgets.

Particularly WP0 is challenging, since many of us have activities in that package. Please make sure your information is correct and up to date, and there is consistency in the Tasks numbering, as well as deliverables in key tasks!

@markomanka now would be the time to upload your activities and budget and make sure all your tasks are included in each WP (see spreadsheet). Particularly in WP0, do you think we can number tasks 0.1, 0.2, …?


Hi @melancon, your task: Develop common SNA culture in consortium shouldn’t be listed in WP0?

If so, please move it in the spreadsheet so I can count the total person months going in that package from LaBRI…