Request for input ahead of keynote presentation at a policy event in Berlin in October

On October 15 -16 I will be doing a keynote and running a workshop on behalf of Edgeryders at Politics for Tomorrow, an event which gathers German policymakers and various organisations for which the OpenCare project is of relevance. As this will be the first, but probably not last time, which we will be presenting the work in similar contexts I wanted to reach out to everyone on the team. And ask what you think I should make sure to include in the presentation as well as to ask you to help spread information about our participation in it through your networks. Please help me sharpen the introduction to the talk and share suggestions for the talk and workshop. Here is what I have so far:

"What would a system of social and health care look like if it was reflecting how we want to be taken care of, and how we want to take care of each other, in a fair and sustainable future? How would we behave in such a system, how would products and services support those behaviours and how would we go about making them? Which new kinds of understanding are needed and which cultural defaults block them?“

During a 20 minute talk (keynote type presentation) I could introduce some new approaches, methodologies and tools applicable to a wide range of political and policy issues that Edgeryders has developed and executed with good results for organisations such as the Council of Europe and the United Nations Development Program.

The workshop could present the focal questions within which participants can explore the approaches and tools in more detail (while generating valuable data about a key question relevant for many different stakeholders for different reasons).

We would like to leave the event with a very clear understanding of how the project can map onto the current priorities and windows of opportunities open, or opening soon within a number of organisations that could put resources into a project that addresses the focal questions/theme. We would also like to map the gaps in perception between the organisational agendas and how grassroots understand, approach and prioritise the different issues, and this could be done in an open conversation online after the event if we publish some well written blogposts to which those interested can react.

Duration Talk: 15-20 min

Duration Workshop: 2,5 h

Number of participants for the workshop: 10-14 people

Confirmed registrations of participants: 75 people quite equally mixed


Civil Society

Consulting Agencies




Governmental Research Organizations

Research Institutes

Social Enterprises

Think Tanks

Universities (Scientists and students)

Please take a few minutes to leave a comment below with some suggestions/requests…


Nice to see the event coming along @Nadia and @Caroline-paulick-thiel

I’ve been working (my ass of) on a few things the last months that you might find interesting

  • MethodKit for Cities (soon done)

  • MethodKit for Workshop Planning (CC -> Working docs or the cards in beta to print & test)

  • MethodKit for Public Health (already released)

  • MethodKit for Informal Settlements (upcoming CC kit)

The new site releasing on wednesday is there ->

Btw, thanks for supporting me on the Toolbox/How thing today Nadia.

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I am not sure I understand right

You are looking for high level tools that help foster an open conversation on the subject of care specifically, or rather more generally policy making?

The way I read the above it sounds like the talk will be more general, but the results of the workshop should come out with a specific focus. Perhaps a bit SWOT-analysis like?

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I would like to leave the event with

  1. a SWOT analysis

  2. understanding of how to position the OpenCare project in commercial and non-commercial contexts

  3. preliminary handshakes with a number of potential clients/funders

Any suggestions for a good strategy for keynote and workshop? Here’s where I am working on the slides.

Couple of nudges, waiting for more info

With regard to general care and rehab I reached out an nudged a couple of people. There is one promising mid-career health professional who will likely be interested - and this would probably coincide well with an upcoming career move too.

However I believe language may be a bit of an issue, as I believe she speaks only German on a proficient enough level (she can probably read English fine, and perhaps also has the listening comprehension). If we can “buddy her up” with someone appropriate I’d think it would work out.

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Here is a bit of a primer for people who aren’t sure what this

is about:

OPENCARE Evaluation form.pdf

Does someone else have a better wrap up for people who are new to this but want to help?

Dementia is a huge public health issue and it’s a key example to

frame the potential impact of OpenCare approach and be used as a practical example because a lot of people have been in touch with the issue.

It’s one of the field where bottom-up solutions can be developed and co-designed by a wider audience, involving families and specialists.

I’m not sure if it can help but I’ve just read an article about a recent Dementia care conference, here’s some interesting bits:

Peter Rabins — director of the division of geriatric psychiatry, school of medicine, at Johns Hopkins University - says that in US, it’s projected that about 16 million people will have Alzheimer disease in 2050. Today, every 67 seconds, a dementia case is found. It is estimated by mid-century that that will happen every 33 seconds because of the aging population.

Between 60 percent and 90 percent of people with dementia also have behavioral or psychiatric problems that come from the disease. And about 98 percent of people “want to live at home with dementia,” Rabins said, “Not everybody can. "

The goal in Alzheimer’s disease treatment, he said, is rehabilitation. “What do rehabilitation specialists do?,” Rabins asked. “They figure out what can the person no longer do, and then we give them an aid. If someone needs a cane because they’ve had a stroke and they are weak on one side, we give them a cane. If they need a walker to be steady, we give them a walker. “But equally important, they also figure out what can the person still do. And our goal here is to maximize the person’s functioning independence.”

More than the distinction between commercial / non-commercial , i’d use the distinction between profit/not profit .  Open doesn’t mean free.

I think that public health is like public transportation, if the focus is profit, it doesn’t work properly.

In the world we’ll have 75 millions with Alzheimer disease in 2030 and 135 millions in  2050

Outline of presentation online. Input/data/images welcome!

Hello all,

The outline/narrative arch of the keynote presentation is now online.  I need your help: how to get certain points across simply and convincingly?

Please go in and add images & help with content by adding information to the speaker notes.

I hope (and expect) all went well! :slight_smile:

If you have some time @Nadia it would be cool to know what kind of crowd you ran into there. Also I heard there is a twitter account up now? Would you like to get a bunch of links you can retweet? E.g. things like this: Consider all the evidence on alternative therapies | Nature this should tie in well with our thought on the placebo thang.