what actual questions we are intending to ask ER data with these type of specific information, e.g. “by giving us this information, you will help us understand how people from different cities interact together, how people across different generation interact together (are youngsters and elders talking about gardening or about web designing?)”
This may just help people trusting us better, and willing to collaborate more.
Ok so no more interference for now with user profile info. I agree with both of you, asking for this data in the beginning will ease the work, plus it will give us time to collect it when some users will simply skip it.
Hahaha, I could confirm that was you, but in this study I didn’t want to spot individuals, but more highlight the overall cooperations. However it really confirms that you are doing an amazing job at managing the community! (As just said @matthias, I’ve read your comment ;))
It’s not that true because Egypt has a very high amount of within countries interactions (about 60), here you have the detailed figures STF - Member interactions.xlsx
I’ve been tracking most of missing users through their facebook, linkedIn or twitter accounts, so I guess we could decrease the number of missing age entry, but it wouldn’t be worth the effort.
Ben, I am speechless. What did you use? Does Tulip do all this starting from the JSONs? Can I ask you to write a few lines about the software stack that generated this stuff?
with Tulip does part of the job but yes it starts from python to extract the country, and actually Tulip makes it fairly easy to geotag with the geographic view… when it does not crash. This is still quite experimental, and the google map view doesn’t work at all for example.
Tulip has the globe and geomaps embedded, and can help you retrieve latitude and longitude of position from google maps (on a string property). So I could make something even more awesome if I could properly extract city names, but it then becomes quite cumbersome.
In the final report, I will add the lines about Tulip and the different components I’ve used.
By the way, where is the exact wiki for the final report? I think I have put too much notifications from EdgeRyders and I am often retrieving some of them in my spam box.