Revised statutes for the asbl

Hi @reeflings,

Just a quick message to let you know that there is now a first draft of the revised statutes of The Reef’s asbl in the ASBL folder. This revision was needed to make the statutes fit-for-purpose in terms of membership, competences of the board and other rather legal stuff that we’ll need when we want to buy services or a site.

What I think is important to note (because it’s confusing) is that (the way I understand it) there will be a difference between how we’ll operate in the regular, more informal bi-weekly plenary meetings (and the rest) - which will be based on the Governance document - and the occasional official General Assemblies to decide on very important issues (acceptance of Full Members, purchase of a site or so).

This revised version is based on The Reef’s original statutes, the legal template (also in the folder) and the examples we received from Mark.

What needs to be done next is the following:

  1. draft a “chartre fondratrice” (i.e. a shortened version of the Blueprint 1.0) => I’ll do it
  2. finalise the draft so that we can adopt it at the next official GA.

Finalising means having a look at the comments and questions that I left and solve them. I estimate that everything together this should take 2-4 hours (it’s 10 pages with a lot of white spaces).

I propose that I’ll present the key points, both on governance and the statutes (and the difference between both) at the next meeting and that we take it from there.