Rural v Urban: Different approaches to differing coworking locations - Comment Invitation

  "config": {
    "logos": [
      "image": "edgeryders",
      "url": ""
      "image": "",
      "url": ""
		"title": "Rural v Urban: Different approaches to differing coworking locations",
		"text": 14283,
		"confirmation": {
			"title": "Thanks for your response",
			"text": "Check your inbox to confirm your Edgeryders account, join the discussion on the platform and check out our other participant responses <a href=''>here</a>."
		"account": {
			"title": "I'm new",
			"login": "I already have a username",
			"text": "To comment you need an account on the forum hosted by Edgeryders - where you can access materials, connect with other participants and get updates. Fill in the fields below and your account will be set up for you. Check your inbox for a confirmation message."
  "partners": {
      "title": "In partnership with",
      "logos": [
      "image": "",
      "url": ""
		"publish": {
			"topic": 14283
	"fields": [
			"type": "textarea",
			"title": "",
			"text": "",
			"placeholder": "Do have any thoughts on how coworking spaces in a smaller town should be different from a larger town or city? We would love to hear them. Comment here"