Samenhuizen + H&P summer programme: offer to do a presentation in September


there is a little mistake in the first sentence of the form. after the title. it says
“This form is to register for the presentation of Cohousing The Reef on 6 June 2024.”

can somebody correct this before we send email?. thanks!

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@Lee Sorry to bother again with this kind of questions but I need some extra help :

  • I actually don’t find the excell sheet to which you are referring for keeping track of the confirmations that have been sent. Can you tell me how I can reach it?

  • Just to be sure : if people register through the form, there will be a notification directly in the email box? That’s what I understood but so far, I answered some emails but didn’t see any registration that seems to be linked with filling the form yet. Maybe I’m missing something?

  • Last question : can you confirm that MIRO is accessible for someone with a wheelchair? We got an email with this question, to me it’s seems that it is but I need to confirm this to the guy who asked.

Thanks !

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Yes, it’s wheelchair accessible

The confirmation email needs to be sent out manually, based on the input from the form. We usually do it every 2-3 days. @mieke would you possibly have space to take care of the organisation of the presentation, and help Perrine with the confirmation emails?

@Lee OK. Could you give me and Perrine access to the form so that I can show her? Thx!

Hi Mieke,

The form is already shared. You can access it by going to Google Forms.

It seems like it is technically impossible (at least very difficult) to get Perrine access to the form, so on second thought it’s probably going to be easier to give the task of sending out the confirmation emails to someone else.

@Lee I don’t have access though, I just double checked. We once had the same problem, and it was solved when I shared it again with you. Could you try that? Thanks a lot.
For Perrine: normally if she has a gmail-address it should be easy to get access? If she doesn’t have a gmail address, then I also wouldn’t know how to get access to the form. Maybe team IT has a solution for that?

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Create a shared gmail address, then use it to manage all this stuff.

The real solution, of course, is to not use Google stuff at all.

there is room for improvement, should @reef-it have a look at alternatives? i think that the email should be automated after registration.

Hi @manuelpueyo, yes an automated mail would be great. Could you let me and @Perrine know if that works?

I think google form is outside the scope of @reef-it tools. I dont know which google account we are using and how to login. so i don’t know if there are automated emails with google forms. but my quick answer would be maybe think about new tools.

OK but the presentation is on 12 September so I guess we will do with Google forms for now.
@Lee Thanks, I have access now.

yes, for the 12, maybe we can think about longer term solutions

Thanks Manuel. For now I think we’re good. Automating sounds nice, and at the same time Google Forms is very reliable, and doing things manually makes it possible to use the emails flexibly (e.g. easily change the message, send a reminder etc).

I added the event to the Calendar. I’ll be there to represent The Reef on this speeddate event. Anyone else coming?
See exchanges with on Protonmail.