Hi, my name is Lina, I am an architect and I am an associate of SARCHA since 2009 participating in the formulation of different research themes and projects.
SARCHA is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2006. It is an open structure of globally connected committed associates linked by SARCHA’s website and activities. No subscription fee involved, all those who are interested are welcomed.
In order to understand what SARCHA is about you should first understand what SARCHA is not:
- We are not a group of friends. SARCHA assembles individuals to work on matters of concern. SARCHA is committed to identifying issues of concern within the field of architecture and city conditions, and to systematizing what appears to be a loose set of questions and research orientations among its associates and within a wide and diverse public
- SARCHA is not an academic institution. SARCHA is a school of ignorants. Associates of various backgrounds do not simply apply their knowledge, but approach tasks at hand with inventiveness and resourcefulness; they seize every opportunity to experiment and share experience and knowledge.
- We do not have a subsidy-oriented functioning. SARCHA is a quarry and generator of resources: it plugs its network of associates, their skills, abilities, knowledge, technical and technological equipment, physical locations, into available institutional or independent structures, operational mechanism and devices to maximize the potential of humans, things, and processes involved
- SARCHA is not a cultural organization. SARCHA focuses steadily on the political: It creates a quarry of available resources to bring things that matter into visibility and enforce change as an effect of its activity.
SARCHA’s backbone structure: Founding members+ Advisory board + Legal committee + Honorary committee ------> have a say on every activity.
SARCHA’s quarry of resources: Associates (support in knowledge, skills and work time) + Associaters (support in kind) + Associatems (financial support) ------> all inform and implement SARCHA’s programme
Process: The founding members initiated SARCHA but its associates inform its activity;
How does SARCHA communicate?
Web site: www.sarcha.gr + Blog: http://www.sarcha-architecture.blogspot.com + Public announcements
Research themes and projects
Research programs develop as yearly themes that address pressing issues.
- Unbuilt (2008),
- POLIS 21 –Xenophobia (2009),
- CCR – ΠKΠ: CityCommonResource (2010-2011) https://sites.google.com/site/ccrpkpgerani2010/
- Polypolis: a role playing social game on inequality and imminent failure (2011-2012) http://vimeo.com/30720863
- Athens Travelers (2012) http://athenstravelers.wordpress.com/