Schoonship - visit in January/February

Ta-da !!!
Here it is, here it comes:
We are booked for Saturday 11/02 at 2pm!
Our guide will be Yvonne, co-developer, inhabitant and former chairwoman of the Schoonschip Foundation…

Not sure how we do the next bit though.
There are 15 spots, so not everyone can join.

What I suggest is for the @reeflings interested to put their name down in the poll below (see post number 19 below). And we’ll take it from there (maybe a job from @reef-governance to sort out? Or indeed opening up to outsiders if we are not enough…)

NB: turns out that the tour is only 1h… personally I was expecting more, but I guess it should still be interesting enough to make up for the quite above average price… In light of this new info, if anybody has strong feeling that we should reopen the discussion on whether or not we are happy to pay the 350euros or so, there is probably a small window to shout it out now :slight_smile:


Hello everybody, given that it is an expensive service, maybe we should try to make the most of it by assigning some of the 15 spots for the experts that Lie suggests? (the phd students of the architects, hope I got this right) Provided that then they are willing to share their knowledge with us. I don’t know if this is an option. If the main aim of the visit is knowing technical aspects such as materials, it might be useful then to have some technical expertise, especially given that this is a project built on the water and maybe this knowledge does not have a direct application to the Reef. :thinking:


Yes, makes sense!
Indeed the architects themselves will be coming, and actually your post prompted me to remind them to offer to their “durability and material” expert to come along…
I am not sure what the PhD students would do in relation to our project though? I thought Lie was saying to offer them spots in case there was free spots actually. @Lee who were you thinking about exactly?

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Ah ok! If the architects themselves are going, then even better. I thought of the phd students as sort of the closest to “expert representation”. Sorry if it was said already somewhere in the beginning of this thread and I missed it :nerd_face:

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I worry that there won’t be 13 Reeflings who will be joining. If this would be the case, I think it would be a win if we could offer the space to somebody who is interested, but that could really be anybody I guess.


Don’t worry! Even if you did it wouldn’t be anything to be sorry about! And actually, I think it’s written nowhere but in email between me and Lie :slight_smile:

So… About the poll…
I should have read Lie’s excellent post about that, because I can’t see who voted…
So I’m very sorry for the 6 people (myself included) who already filled it in, but we have to do it again!
Here it is below:

Going to schoonship
  • Yes I wanna join!
0 voters

@Lee, @reeflings : Might be a good idea to start contacting these potential extra people? Maybe saying that “there might be” spots available?
I can send an email to habitat et participation and the architects for PhD. Any other people to invite?

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@Sarah, great! I’ll send an email to Samenhuizen, the Flemish counterpart of Habitat & Participation.

@matthias, would you possibly be interested if there is a place left? We’re going to this environmentally cutting-edge cohousing in Amsterdam (see It’s on 11 February.

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I’ve also asked Ralf if Nathalie (?) from deep democracy would be interested…

I am not in town that weekend, unfortunately but contacted Nathalie

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Last call! The poll will be closing in a couple of days!

@BarbaraG @leonard @ChrisM @jolan @Sophie_Beese @ClaudiaPr @Lee (you didn’t fill in the poll but I assume you’re in): For those who are going, anybody thinking or interested to stay over night?


heyo, I probably won’t stay overnight, I have baseball training to get to on Sunday morning :slight_smile:

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@Sarah Alberto and I have to be elsewhere, so we won’t be able to make it unfortunately.

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I did vote and will join but probably not stay overnight. Thank you for organising this!

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We would potentially stay over night and turn it into a family-weekend away - have only been to Amsterdam once an eternity ago!

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Do I understand it correctly from the agenda that our visit at Schoonship is scheduled at 14.00?

Yes! 2pm :slight_smile:

Richard & I are joining and may consider staying overnight :slightly_smiling_face:

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For those who stay overnight: Amsterdam seems to be crazily expensive, so we thought we’d share that we found a hotel that is (comparatively) affordable and well connected: Qbic WTC.

And for all: We’re going by car and have one (or two if you don’t mind being the third person in the back) free seats if anyone wants to save, but think about whether you’d want to spend 2h in a car with a little one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (And we will only drive back on Sunday.)

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Amsterdam is just crazy in terms of prices. I recently went to Haarlem, which is not so far (good train connection) and much less expensive. I paid about 90 euro for an aparthotel with 5 beds.

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