Schoonship - visit in January/February

Last call! The poll will be closing in a couple of days!

@BarbaraG @leonard @ChrisM @jolan @Sophie_Beese @ClaudiaPr @Lee (you didn’t fill in the poll but I assume you’re in): For those who are going, anybody thinking or interested to stay over night?


heyo, I probably won’t stay overnight, I have baseball training to get to on Sunday morning :slight_smile:

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@Sarah Alberto and I have to be elsewhere, so we won’t be able to make it unfortunately.

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I did vote and will join but probably not stay overnight. Thank you for organising this!

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We would potentially stay over night and turn it into a family-weekend away - have only been to Amsterdam once an eternity ago!

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Do I understand it correctly from the agenda that our visit at Schoonship is scheduled at 14.00?

Yes! 2pm :slight_smile:

Richard & I are joining and may consider staying overnight :slightly_smiling_face:

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For those who stay overnight: Amsterdam seems to be crazily expensive, so we thought we’d share that we found a hotel that is (comparatively) affordable and well connected: Qbic WTC.

And for all: We’re going by car and have one (or two if you don’t mind being the third person in the back) free seats if anyone wants to save, but think about whether you’d want to spend 2h in a car with a little one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (And we will only drive back on Sunday.)

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Amsterdam is just crazy in terms of prices. I recently went to Haarlem, which is not so far (good train connection) and much less expensive. I paid about 90 euro for an aparthotel with 5 beds.

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In the end we booked a room in the same hotel as you @BarbaraG @leonard , so we shall cross path!

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And also the Architects will be joining with 2 other people.
So there are 2 spots left to fill…

Hey guys, for those of you planning to go to Amsterdam by train (like me), be aware that there will be works on the railways between Rotterdam and Amsterdam from 11-13 February. According to the Dutch railways, we should expect a delay of 30 minutes due to these works.


Hey there, has anybody decided already which train to take - who would be up for hoping on the 8.44 am (from Midi, arrival 11.44) train to have lunch in Amsterdam before the visit? :slight_smile:

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Small piece of advise: I learned the hard way that these train tickets are much cheaper if you book them in advise. So if you can book them now I wouldn’t hesitate.

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Sadly, I couldn’t find any advance tickets anymore - seems to be 50 euros each way…

In the end we took a bus actually… Slightly cheaper…
We should be arriving at the place at 12.45, so still some time for a quick lunch?

Here is some advice from Yvvone for lunch:
For lunch you could go to Bar Boeket: Which is basically next door to our place.

If you have a bit more time to walk from there to us, I can also recommmend the Ceuvel De Ceuvel

Both are open from 12:00 onward.

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I am interested in joining for lunch. Let’s be in touch tomorrow via Signal? Won’t be checking here anymore.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Visit to Schoonschip: what we learned