Sci-Fi Economics Lab: a get-together in Brussels on July 20th

Our friends from Parti Collective have organized a gathering in Brussels. Since many of them are old friends, and some also participated in the Science Fiction Economics Residency, they decided to invite us to touch base and think about where we could go next with the Lab.

Might as well broaden the circle to people interested in the nexus between science fiction and economics. This is not an open event, but if you would like to participate get in touch with me, I am sure we can make it happen. We are also planning a social event on the 21st.

EDIT. We have decided to use the event to get everyone in the room on more or less the same page. This means an introductory lecture, given by yours truly, plus discussion on what that means for the current interests of Parti Collective around green-and-communal living. The lecture is gong to be based on this:


Hi there @alberto, I won’t be able to attend in person, but please share the ideas in the draft proposals that @ADH and I put together. I’ll post those here when I get to another computer. There’s also lots of interest at ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination to address these topics, and they have other good ideas, such as podcasts and presence at writing conventions. Happy to talk before the Parti meeting if you want more info.

To start, I still feel we need a curriculum of sorts, starting with your value-compatible incentives discussion, and maybe the Choose your Own Adventure Economics framework. I’m working up a paper that combines these, should be able to share next week for critiques.

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Here’s two SciFi Econ proposals from myself and @ADH, posted per @nadia. @alberto, feel free to relocate if you think best.

These are drafts, and we are hoping for feedback and funding suggestions.

WritersEconomicWorkshop.pdf (73.8 KB)

WorldbuildingEconomicExperiments.pdf (177.2 KB)

Looking forward hearing from the community!

I will gladly do so, Joffa.

I love them, especially the experiments. The idea of generating counterfactuals via speculative fiction is still a bit raw, but very intriguing. Depending on the intended readership (here you seem to be writing for your own head of department), it may be worth it to disambiguate the word “experiments”, which, in economics, means something completely different from what you have in mind here.