Scouting and Community day

I also wanted to join this Sunday, but fell sick so I need to sit out this time. Sorry! I will try to join the next one in Decembet.


@Janet hi, I said I wouldn’t go scouting on Sunday but I changed my plans and I can come. Just saying this here because I cannot vote anymore. @els will also join this Sunday and her vote is also not there.
EDITIn the meantime I was able to vote:) sorry for the confusing messages :see_no_evil:


Ping @SimonDelch @bram

Hello everybody,
I am in charge of the organization of the scouting day this Sunday, December 3 and I would like to have an idea of ​​who is finally coming.

As we count new members, I would like to welcome them, and invite them for this crazy (rainy) day !
Waiting for you answers (asap please) !

Further informations concerning the composition of the teams and where are we going to walk and to eat will follow…

  • I will join on 3/12
  • Can’t mak it, sorry
0 voters
1 Like

Sorry, it was my first pool and I failled, obviously…
You can just answer without the pool… thanks

2nd chance for me :

  • I will join on 3/12
  • I can’t make it, sorry
0 voters

@reeflings please let us know on the pool below if you are available / unavailable for the next organised sunday 03/12 scouting afternoon, thank you !

Hi @Sebas you mention scouting ‘afternoon’ so what time would that be? I am only available morning and early afternoon until 15h


Hi there @reeflings !

The Scouting and Community Days - 2024 edition :eyes: :superhero: are coming! Get ready!

The idea is to have these more regularly, so there will be one scheduled every 2 weeks more or less. As always, scouting is a vital part of the project, so try and attend as many as possible!
Below are the dates, please fill in the poll with the ones you can make and add them to your agenda :slight_smile:

  • 7/01
  • 21/01
  • 11/02
  • 25/02
  • 10/03
  • 24/03
0 voters

See you soon for a day of scouting and fun and food!