Scouting and Community day

Hi there @reeflings !

Today at plenary we discussed having a day where we would organise a big scouting mission.
The idea is to all go scouting at the same time, and regroup at the end for a nice catch-up in a warm (both sense of the word! :upside_down_face:) setting afterwards.
For the moment, we have 2 tentative dates (the idea is to have both dates happening), could you let us know below if you can join?

Note that this does not replace our shared duty to commit to scouting regularly, but is rather a little extra present to ourselves, where we get to not only concretely work towards manifesting the reef, but also spend time together :slight_smile: Scouting is vital if we want to be able to actually live in the nicest cohousing in town, we have to take it extra seriously!

  • Sunday 29/10
  • Sunday 19/11
  • I can’t make either

0 voters

We need to get organised with 2 things mainly:

  • prepare sets of scouting “squares” that are not too far from each other so that we can gather easily at the end. @anon78992831 could you help with that?
  • get organised practically (deciding on timing, finding a place to meet, coordinating and anything else you might think of). @Janet and @RyanB you said you were interested in the idea, are you able to help setting it up?

Let’s do this! Yay!!


Yes, I am happy to help. For the session on the 29/10 I have a (voluntary) proposal for a photo competition. The winning scouting team with the most original “Halloween” (Dia de los Muertos) picture will win that day a (handy) prize involved :slight_smile:


Great idea, thanks a lot Sarah!

I would love to join for the scouting, but for the moment I’m afraid I need to take it easy due to health reasons.


@anon78992831 any recommendations for the 3 areas close to each other? so I can find a nice cafe where we can meet after/before the scouting? It seems there will be around 6-8 people willing to do the scouting therefore I think 3-4 teams could be good. what do you think?


Hi Janet, i will have a look and come back to you asap

Great idea Sarah and happy to contribute. I agree with Sarah that it could be nice to do something social and Halloween themed at the end. Should we have a quick chat about it? Not sure what is possible in terms of venue, I guess it depends where we scout?

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Hi Ryan!
Yes it could be fun! I won’t be there for the October session. Maybe co-ordinate with @Janet about that?

Hi Janet, there is 3 adjacent areas around Basilique de Koekelberg.

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Thanks Sebas, great! We could either hang out in the park (picnic if nice weather but it seems it will be a bit of rain) or there is a nice coffee shop / brunch place called ‘Brol’. My proposal is to meet at 12-1pm for brunch together and then people can choose 2 teams, either go earlier than and finish there or have bunch first and then do the scouting after. what do you guys think? @RyanB @Sarah. image


Sunday they open from 9.30 to 6pm image

Sounds great!
Personnaly I would think meeting afterwards would be the nicest, to share experience and gems found, but it doesn’t matter so much, and if they have a great brunch it might be nice to make the most of it!


Hi, I would also prefer to do the scouting first and the eating/drinking after. What time do we actually meet on Sunday?


Hello, Here are the 3 zones to scout, enjoy !


Hello, Here are 3 spare zones if needed, enjoy !

collectif_J 12+13+14


Hi @reeflings !

So today was a full success!
We scouted 8 zones, and if I counted well we have about 10 potential sites to investigate!
AND most importantly we had a very lovely time seeing each other and hanging out at the end. It’s always very nice to have these moments, it really feels like we are growing stronger as a community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Because most of the sites will most definetly not go through, we have to keep going with our effort!
We already have the next session planned for the 19/11 (if you haven"t done so, please sign up in the first post).
And we ended up so enthusiastic after today that we decided to have another session on the 3/12, so save your spot below!

  • I will join on 3/12
  • Can’t make it, sorry
0 voters

And today more than ever, remember to also do some scouting on your own whenever you can :slight_smile:
Let’s go at it strong and find this motherf@##ing site before the end of 2023!! :metal: :upside_down_face:


@reef-recruitment : are the newly onboarded members aware of these two sessions?


I announced the session of 19.11 in the email that I have sent with the survey to the people that attended the public presentation last week.


Ok great!
Do you think any of them would like to join? If yes, it would be good to point them out to the poll maybe? Or you can send me their phone number in a pm and I can coordinate with them…

They have their one-on-ones this week so maybe let’s wait for that? I’ll send you a pm with the deails of the one-on-ones.

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Hi @Janet, @Sarah and @seb !
I’m not sure which one of you is organising the teams for the scouting day on Sunday, but I will unfortunately be unavailable (having previously indicated that I would be there).
I will be spending my day marking exams, which I had forgotten about :frowning_face:

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