errata corrige
pillola di undocumentary from Nico Bis on Vimeo.
I’m sorry, this is the video… undocumentary is still the password, tell me if you like.
A warm greating to all, see you soon!
errata corrige
pillola di undocumentary from Nico Bis on Vimeo.
I’m sorry, this is the video… undocumentary is still the password, tell me if you like.
A warm greating to all, see you soon!
@NicoBis, well played. Perfect: this is exactly what I wanted. Stand by while I finish my slides and memorize my text (and, hopefully, unMonasterians finish theirs). Let’s talk on Monday for final scripting – who speaks when and says what.
My part
This will include a networks graph as visual but currently gathering data, is this okay?
"I have been involved in the development of unMonastery since its conception at the Living on the Edge conference in 2012, fundamentally I am responsible for shaping the measurements and evaluation of the project. I bring my experience of network analysis, ensuring that we don’t measure out what matters, unlike the empty numbers most projects gauge their success upon. This approach to evaluation is focused on enhancing the embedded and emergent process the unMonastery is focused on catalysing in Matera - using as a key marker the relationships that grow from the social impact of the model.
My role extends to advising the ongoing development, ensuring meaningful conflict resolution and contributing new recipes to the evolving cookbook of the unMonastery."
Here’s me!
"I am Marc, and I come from Burgundy in France. Together with schools in Matera, we are building a prototype for a totally open source solar tracker in both its software and hardware – a device that allows solar panels to follow the course of the sun, like a sunflower, increasing their output by 40%. The cost of energy consumption for an average family is € 1,150 a year, this device aims to remove that cost completely over a 6 year at most period.
Solar trackers already exist, but they are closed, proprietary and quite expensive. We wish to build one that anyone can make or improve with an Arduino board, scavenged electric motors and cheap sensors, for a tenth of its current price. The project aims to be a first step towards towards real sustainable energy consumption."
And mine!
“I am Kei Kreutler, and I come from New York. At unMonastery, I’ve established a node of Open Tech School in collaboration with Materani. The School currently holds free workshops on coding, physical computing, interactive games, web and mobile app design, and video production, with workshops evolving according to partcipants’ interests. While offering a wide variety of skills, the project aims to teach individuals how to teach others - working toward the School’s longevity beyond the unMonastery residency period. Open Tech School Matera leverages a global network within a local community - connecting to an initiative to make learning technical skills easy, fun and inherently social.”
My presence
I just got back early this morning, and was first given the brief this morning, but the day has as usual gone to other pressing items. I agree with Ben that mentioning Il Libro dell’Errori is a good way to stretch people’s vision as to the breadth of approaches we are bringing to nuture the work.
Me being me, will be poetic, brief and use my time to hit a few graphic images: Maybe I’ll get time after closing circle to do the write up. My key words will be:
Thanks guys, great stuff!
This is all brilliant. Please prepare your one slide each (except @Marc, who should probably bring his physical prototype along) and send it to me or upload somewhere ASAP. Next has TV production, they are likely to demand my deck of slides a few days before. My part is in the Google Drive, Communication folder.
If you all start in the same way “I am [NAME], and…” you will give rythm and structure to the whole, as if the unMonastery were speaking through your voices. This trick is called anaphora, and is a very powerful rhetorical tool.
@La_Gaia, remember to say your name in any case.
I have four unMonasterians so far, but six slots – even seven. Can I propose at least @Rita O, as Materan unMonasterian?
Prototype not available
Hi Alberto,
I’m sorry but I won’t be able to bring the solar prototype. It was sent to Milan (Salone Mobile), it will be put on the top of a mobile machine to illustrate the potential use of solar energy for autonomous vehicles.
Fair enough
We’ll show a photo. It’s also in the video.
Slide text:
Bembo Davies
il Libro degli Errori
Institute for Non-toxic Propaganda
Filosof della Casa
Working Draft: Sunday 23:30
UnMonastery non e’ solo “politically correct”, ma anche “poetically correct”. L’inspirazione è contagiosa:
E´ un privilegio poter “inventare” la tradizione,
ed e´ liberatorio appropriarsi del potere immaginifico della storia monastica.
Io sono la voce narrante della casa e ho il compito di compilare il Libro degli Errori, affiche´ possa servire da assicurazione contro future idiozie.
And Elf, of course
I hear from Nadia that @elf Pavlik is still at the unMonatery. Pavlik, is that so? Do you want to be a part of this? I highly recommend your open data and mesh network stuff!
Important: rehearsal at 11 am on Friday 11
Hello all, Riccardo called me. We went through the presentation outline and we found it solid. This is the key presentation of the whole day: it’s live televised, with four cameras, and quite a sophisticated object. So, we agreed we actually get a rehearsal, so that we all can get a feel for the space (unfortunately, a huge theater) and the solemnity. See you all at the theater at 11 am on Friday, OK? Looking forward.
here I am
@Alberto I’ve just finished but really don’t know if it works. I’d really appreciate your feedback and help. Ty again
“I am @Rita O, I come from Matera, I’m the interface with the local community and I am an unMonasterian too. I got involved into unMonastery one year ago, when there was the first open meeting here to introduce the main frame of the project and start a cooperation process with citizens about their vision of the town. I work on facilitating relationships with people and associations from Matera in order to develop the projects of the unMonasterians: on the other side, I would like to create a stable hub at unMonastery’s place with the main goal to create a local network of active groups embedded into a huge European network of creatives and innovators. As an unMonasterian, I’ve got a project based on designing goods for the unMon Community through a participatory process which aims to put together unMonasterians and local artisans, in order to create a stronger visual identity for the unMonastery itself, based on its own clear philosophy, and enable objects to speak for it”.
Perché in inglese?
@Rita O, scrivi in italiano, no?
Non metterei la distinzione interfaccia/unMonasterian, che il pubblico rischia di non capire. Interfaccia è una delle tre categorie dei progetti di unMonastery. “Sono Rita, sono di Matera. Sto lavorando a progettare oggetti da usare nell’unMonastery […]. Parlo anche molto con i miei concittadini e le associazioni di Matera, per cercare occasioni di collaborazione […].”
@lovely rita
You must get someone to translate this into italiano!
Slides – now!
Hello folks. Production got in touch, and they want slides. Mine are done, but I would like to incorporate yours. I know @La_Gaia has some network; and @Marc should definitely show off his solar tracker; @elf Pavlik, if he shows up, will have pretty visualizations of mesh networks and/or open data. Can you guys do this before bedtime tonight? Pretty please?
My 2 cents - and there’s no mention of Matera 2019
La prima volta che ho sentito parlare di unMonastery era a Bruxelles, durante il secondo raduno annuale degli Edgeryders. Ci ho capito poco - all’epoca non conoscevo bene lo spirito hacker, il mondo opensource e l’approccio collaborativo - ma quello che ho capito mi è piaciuto perché mi ricordava molto quello che facciamo noi qui, spesso senza rendercene conto: risolvere i problemi quotidiani basandoci sulla nostra rete di relazioni, senza aspettare che ci diano il permesso. Per questo, quando si è scelto di lanciare il primo prototipo a Matera, ho pensato che fosse una buona notizia: lo sguardo esterno è utile perché ci permette di vedere cose che noi non vediamo più, o che vediamo con occhi disillusi. Io credo che il valore aggiunto dell’unMonastery a Matera sia quello di incoraggiare chi opera sul territorio da tempo ad andare avanti, rafforzando cio che già c’è con ulteriori contatti, con progetti simili. Credo che alla fine, l’innovazione fatta al Sud sia molto più vicina al metodo hacker di quanto non pensiamo: forse non abbiamo l’abitudine di chiamare le cose per nome, e per di più con nomi che suonano strano, ma chi giorno dopo giorno lotta per realizzare il proprio progetto sa che l’innovazione e la creatività non sono cose che si imparano: è un approccio alla vita, è una forma mentis.
p.s. I think it’s a bit lousy not to speak about Matera 2019 as they are the ones that believed in the project, that got the money and that found the place and the people who are making this happen. this said, I am sure Alberto will find a way to pop the bid in his speach perfectly.
I am arriving in Bari on Friday morning at 9:45 and will drive directly to the Teatro Duni. Sleep well and take good care of yourself. Much love, Ilaria
Ma tu cosa fai?
Secondo me, @Ilaria, questa cosa sta un po’ fuori formato, perché dice ciò che tu pensi e non ciò che fai, come fanno gli altri. Credo che sia più interessante sapere cosa fai, ed è anche un’occasione per citare in modo naturale e in un contesto di azione MT2019. Tu lavori con Grima, no? E quindi potresti dire come state lavorando per mettere a sistema unMonastery nell’ottica vostra. Più sei concreta e meglio funziona. La lunghezza va bene.
In verità
Il lavoro con Joseph Grima non si occupa - per ora - direttamente di unMonastery. Non ho niente di pratico da dire su unMonastery rispetto al lavoro fatto con Joseph, che fino ad ora è improntato sulla fase di ascolto. Cio che ho fatto sino ad oggi in merito all’unMonastery è a monte di cio che penso di unMonastery. Quello che mi sento di condividere sono le ragioni per cui unMonastery rientra in futuro remoto.