Searching for sites online

@SimonDelch @Justin_N @Angelika . Here is a poll for a meetup beginning of January to see how things are going and how to include Angelika in the online searching.

  • 08/01/2024
  • 09/01/2024
  • 10/01/2024
  • 12/01/2024
0 voters
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@SimonDelch @Justin_N @Angelika . let’s fix 08/01. I forgot the add the hour, so an extra little pole which hour on the 08/01 you prefer…

  • 19:00 - 20:00
  • 20:00 - 21:00
  • 18:00 - 19:00
  • 21:00 - 22:00
0 voters

@reef-building : i created 2 new fiches via online searching and did a first quotation
UCC-04 and UCC-05. Not sure if the zone we can use for building will be big enough => is there a way to find out online?

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Hi @els , unfortunately, these 2 sites have already been identified under UCC-02 and UCC-03 (visible in table archive), sorry for that, Seb

sorry, cheched the archive for the numbering but forgot to check it for doubles…I deleted them from the excel, and deleted the fiches as well, as they allready exist…

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It is indeed, although we had to take out old lines, otherwise the file was getting too heavy and started glitching… And I will keep doing that regularly to avoid problems. You can find the old tables in this file (internal link). each new table will contain the new rejected sites.
It’s not the best system, and we might need to rethink it as part of the workflow brainstorming, but that’s what we have for now!

Indeed but please do not do this for the current table! We leave the last fiches at the bottom, it helps finding the ones we are currently working on and have to screen. It will also helps keep track of new fiches for the plenary presentations. We could add a numbering column to be able to find that again, but it is not in place yet…


Hi @els,

It’s not urgent, but when you find a moment, can you please add your meeting to the Nextcloud calendar?

It may seem like a detail, but it really helps to get an overview on what is happening when.

Many thanks!

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@SimonDelch @Justin_N @Angelika

hi all,

meeting concerning online searching for sites will be the 08/01 from 20:00 - 21:00

See you then, els


@reef-building, I have just added two new fiches, found via online search:

  1. GAN - Avenue Jacques Sermon 25
  2. EVE - Rue des Deux Maisons 28-30-32

Any feedback welcome, these are the first ones I´ve ever made.

Best, J


@SimonDelch @Justin_N @Angelika ,

here a link to the agenda for our meeting next monday:
In the agenda you will find a link to a proposal on ‘how to organise ourselves and work together’
See you on monday


@Justin_N : as far a i can judge (also being quite new to it): great job filling in the fiche! One little remark: if on an immo site they mention it is sold by another immo: better mention the link of the immosite selling it

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@reef-building : an new fiche from the online searching: WOL-Av des pleiades 19

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@els WOL-Av des pleiades 19 seems to me only car parks for sale to be converted into individual warehouses.
Any other views @reef-building ?

I wanted to flag something that may be for this meeting. Citydev told us that, in 2024, they would be partnering with a cohousing group to build a cohousing with a Community Land Trust formula. You will find the minutes of our meeting with them here.

There was a follow-up: Agnés, the person we met, came to one of our presentations, I think it was in September, and later told Manuel she was favourably impressed.

So, at some point (early in 2024) their website will show the call for expressions of interests to build a cohousing, and we should really look into it in close detail, as it could shave 1-2 millions off our budget. Their website is:


yes, might be, not clear for me what it is for sale, title on immoweb says appartment block. If sb would have time to call to clear that out…

ok, we’ll follow-up this site…

The call is not out yet. We will anyway try to gain some more intel.

@reef-building : i’d like to have your advice on sth…
how strict is the 1500 m2 minimum to make a fiche?

i have found this site online, on cadgis 1225 m2, so less than 1500 m2, but what makes this site interesting: it is 6 floors high (without calculating the -1) (and what i’ve understood from alberto, the higher, the lower the cost).
They say there is 3400 m2 habitables on 6 floors, so 566,66 m2 per floor.
If the total surface is 1225 m2 , than i would say there is 1225-566,66 m2 left for garden = 658,33, which is reasonable less then 900 m2… => i disgard it?, or i make a fiche, maybe we reject it immediately but it is in our ‘database’ for later?

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hi all, we had our meeting for the online searching and a question that was asked:
What to do with citydev, it was added (by Sarah?) to the list of immo sites to follow-up, but this is no normal immo site.
I think we should follow up because of what Alberto said: look for any announcements for a call of any cohousing projects. But other than that?

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About City Dev : it is a public developper, I think the idea about this is to team up with them When they start to build a new project, not to buy directly what they sell online. Am I correct ?

I imagine Alberto (& Others?) you have a direct contact in there.

From what I know, CityDev is mainly concerned about building mixed projects (housing + economic or productive activities), which brings me to this question:

Do we consider it possible to mix housing with other activities ? Because on Scouting on Sunday in Molenbeek we found of course a lot of sites with small entreprises (garages, wood ateliers,…) and Usually even when those are not ready to fully sell their parcels they might thought accept to have an agreement if they can be incorporated.

Sso… Do we keep sites with potential like this, or too complicated ?