Searching for sites online

yes, might be, not clear for me what it is for sale, title on immoweb says appartment block. If sb would have time to call to clear that out…

ok, we’ll follow-up this site…

The call is not out yet. We will anyway try to gain some more intel.

@reef-building : i’d like to have your advice on sth…
how strict is the 1500 m2 minimum to make a fiche?

i have found this site online, on cadgis 1225 m2, so less than 1500 m2, but what makes this site interesting: it is 6 floors high (without calculating the -1) (and what i’ve understood from alberto, the higher, the lower the cost).
They say there is 3400 m2 habitables on 6 floors, so 566,66 m2 per floor.
If the total surface is 1225 m2 , than i would say there is 1225-566,66 m2 left for garden = 658,33, which is reasonable less then 900 m2… => i disgard it?, or i make a fiche, maybe we reject it immediately but it is in our ‘database’ for later?

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hi all, we had our meeting for the online searching and a question that was asked:
What to do with citydev, it was added (by Sarah?) to the list of immo sites to follow-up, but this is no normal immo site.
I think we should follow up because of what Alberto said: look for any announcements for a call of any cohousing projects. But other than that?

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About City Dev : it is a public developper, I think the idea about this is to team up with them When they start to build a new project, not to buy directly what they sell online. Am I correct ?

I imagine Alberto (& Others?) you have a direct contact in there.

From what I know, CityDev is mainly concerned about building mixed projects (housing + economic or productive activities), which brings me to this question:

Do we consider it possible to mix housing with other activities ? Because on Scouting on Sunday in Molenbeek we found of course a lot of sites with small entreprises (garages, wood ateliers,…) and Usually even when those are not ready to fully sell their parcels they might thought accept to have an agreement if they can be incorporated.

Sso… Do we keep sites with potential like this, or too complicated ?

Nothing else. CityDev is not going to sell us a site.

You are not wrong. But they did a prototype of a cohousing policy some time ago: there is a cohousing called Tivoli in Laken, built on CityDev ground with the Community Land Trust principle. Search for it in the forum, you will find the report from our visit there. And they told us last year that they were going to do it again in 2024.

We are certainly interested to have in the cohousing someone like Miro or Stekke and Fraas, that have offices or other productive spaces on the ground floor. But that kind of partner is hard to find.

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@anon78992831 : i called to clear this out if it’s garages or block of appartments. It’s the first, they will change the title of the add. I’ll put this fiche in status ‘rejected’ tonight

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@Justin_N : answer above from alberto to your question about citydev…

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@Justin_N @Angelika @SimonDelch : here is a poll for our next meeting in three weeks

  • 29/01 : 19:00 - 20:00
  • 29/01: 20:00 - 21:00
  • 30/01: 19:00 - 20:00
  • 30/01: 20:00 - 21:00
  • 31/01: 19:00 - 20:00
  • 31/01: 20:00 - 21:00
  • 02/02: 19:00 - 20:00
  • 02/02: 20:00 - 21:00
0 voters

Hello there, if ok, give me some time to vote bc there is a parallel vote for our next Team Finance meetings happening ;). The only day where the proposed dates do not overlap would be 2 February, so I’d like to wait for the result of the other vote and then vote here.

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Hmmm… Personnaly I would say make a fiche and keep it for later.

Yes I think we just need to keep an eye on their website…
But there is also a website where they put the sites that they discarded (inventimmo), and that’s something different to also keep an eye on.

I would think we look into everything! If there seem to be some unused space, we can always look into it! The only thing we wouldn’t (or rather just can’t) do is buy the business.


Let’s go for a fiche and let see how it will pass through

@Justin_N @Angelika @SimonDelch
hi, just to let you know i updated the manual for online searching (internal link)

  • based on the meeting we had on monday
  • i also updated some links (link to the template for making a new fiche, link of the file to check if the fiche hasn’t yet been created during ‘live’ scouting,…), as in team building we have a bit reorganised the structure of our fiches and follow-up.

@reef-building : fyi : the links to the files/folders have been updated in the manual for online searching, referring to the old ‘fiche structure’


Made a fiche SCH-06, but put it in the ‘discarded’ folder immediately (of the fiche factory), and indicated it in the old overview excel, highlighted in yellow, status ‘rejected’

  • measuring to surface of the garden on cadgis, i only arrive at 100m2
  • it’s a Victor Horta building, part of patrimoine architecturale, so guess financially/technically not the most straightforward (but beautiful building though)

@reef-building, I´ve uploaded a new fiche. UCC Avenue des Statuaires 44. On expensive side (1,9 mil). If this is a waste of time, happy to know. Best, J


@reef-building, I´ve uploaded a new fiche. JET - Dreve de Dieleghem 83. Best, J


@reef-building , one new fiche from the online searching: WAT-01 Av. Emile Van Beselaere

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@Justin_N @Angelika @SimonDelch : Next meeting for the online searching: 02/02 19:00 - 20:00. I’ll add it in the calendar. Will foresee one zoom of 40 minutes, guess that will be more than enough time.

See you


Hello @reef-building, I made a new fiche for a site on Uccle (found through online search). It’s not specified online what the exact address is.