Secret Santa 🧑‍🎄for Christmas/NY Party 7 January 2023

Dear @reeflings ,

There is the idea to organise a Secret Santa for our party on 7 January 2023.

The purpose of Secret Santa is for everyone who participates to give one gift to a randomly assigned Reefling (an elf will draw the name). So when you receive the gift, you won’t know who it came from until it’s being revealed at the party. This could be a nice activity for the party and a way to get to know each other better.

The rule would be not to spend more than €10 on the present. It can of course also be something home-made or at today’s plenary meeting it was also suggested that it could be an item you already have at home, e.g. a book that you liked. Be creative. :slight_smile:

Please let me know via the poll if you’d like to participate by Monday 19 December 2022. Also let me know if there’s any questions.

Ho Ho Ho!:christmas_tree::gift:
  • Count me in!
  • No thanks.

0 voters


I may have mistakenly made the poll anonymous, which won’t allow me to know who wants to participate. :see_no_evil: @reef-it anything I can do about this or do I need to create a new poll?

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Hi @ClaudiaPr,

I’m afraid you’ll have to create a new one. Here’s a little manual: How to create a poll

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Love the idea @ClaudiaPr ! But we are only landing on this day so not sure we can make it :unamused:

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Dear @reeflings,

As I have made a mistake in the first poll, could you please use this new poll to vote instead - and also vote if you have already voted in the previous poll?

Many thanks,

Ho Ho Ho! Participation in Secret Santa :christmas_tree::gift:🧑‍🎄
  • Count me in!
  • No thanks.

0 voters

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Lovely initiative Claudia! We’re going to be in London that weekend, so will unfortunately miss the festivities. Hope you all have a wonderful celebration :slight_smile:

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The elf is going to draw the names for the Secret Santa this Wednesday 21 December 2022. So if you would still like to participate, please add your vote to the poll ASAP! :elf: :gift:

Dear @reeflings,

Hope you are all in holiday mood already! :blush:

Are you excited to know who your “giftee” is?! Click on the link to draw a name:

When you click on the link, you should also be able to create a wish list if you’d like to do so. Once you have created/bought/found your gift, please write the name of the “giftee” on it, but not your own name. The gift exchange will take place at our party on 7 January. :gift: :partying_face:

Any questions or if you still want to participate but haven’t signed up, just give me a shout!


I’ve seen on the calendar, we didn’t set any time. Would it be around 4pm for a “goûter” ?

Thanks Claudia for the organization ! :slight_smile:

I would say from 17h onwards you are welcome here :wink: