Secure Scuttlebutt News, ios app & basel conference

As @andrestaltz alluded elsewhere, a new ios app has been released to access the network. Huge news, provided the app went from desktop → Manyverse (android) → Manyverse (ios).

Also, for the interested, there will be a unconference in Basel, CH February 21–23, 2020. For further details, contact @zurF8X68ArfRM71dF3mKh36W0xDM8QmOnAS5bYOq8hA=.ed25519 on ssb. The event details are excrped below, and reside at %Xzrcj8ncjwt86Q6NngySzp3JRz25RW//yzt0bYJ1/PI=.sha256 . I can also relay messages for the interested.


Two days of sharing knowledge, stories, ideas, hopes, doubts, emotions, and visions for all things SSB and append-only-loggy, in a participant-driven unconference/open space format.


The gathering will be at Basel University, where @cft heads the computer networks group.


Anyone who is interested, whether from academia or not. … We also expect a number of local students to attend and get a glimpse into the world of SSB.


Won’t be attending myself, but curious to read about it. Anyone else?

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Further details on the conference are available at