Send the UNDP contractor project deliverable no 2

Hi everyone, I am preparing our second deliverable for Spot the Future, a “Foresight Report that builds on the action plan and includes a specific set of actions to be taken as agreed with 3 COs and BRC”, tentatively due for delivery on the 27th of March (page 1 in our contract).

Here is where I’m working on (doc is in the shared google drive), feel free to jump in although this isn’t of much interest - basically recycling info we have so far.

@ArthurD can I ask you to prepare the invoice and comment here when it is ready or send it by email?

The deadline for finalizing this task is end of this business week.



My part of the task is done, I’m waiting for @ArthurD to send the invoice by email. Preferably to me personally, because Millie needs both the deliverable+invoice in 1 email.

2nd Invoice

was issued on Monday last…

Please note that the contract has due dates of 17of April and UNDP are under no obligation to pay until 30 days after this date…though they have suggested that payment will be expedited.