Short intro for myself and for Madyan

My Story literally begins in 1986, exactly when I were born, but due to some memory-related flaws let me stick to some, apparently, interesting parts within this period.
I used to work as an architect, for about 9 years, and I get my Master studies in Urban Development, Technical University of Berlin. I’ve write my master thesis on resolving a conflict between Solid waste management key actors in Hurghada city, Red Sea, Egypt.
Recently, along with two distinct groups, I’ve constituted two small entities: OAK architects and Madyan respectively. OAK architects, an architectural office that offers design and other engineering services to several clients and that’s how I’m trying to sustain my living. While Madyan is a non-profit that aims to improve lives of the underprivileged, and that’s how I sustain my psyche.
(Back to the interesting part of the story)
Madyan’s story:
Madyan is a group of 9 professionals concerned with different Urban and social aspects, find more here. Though it was recently constituted by 9 partners, honored to be one of them, we’ve implemented two projects while the third is still running.

  1. Ibn Toloun shade and workshop: the project aim to shade a 200 sqm playground for kids with special needs. The shade was designed and implemented by OAK architects while Madyan has organized a workshop for the kids to draw on the textile used in the shade.
    In this specific project I’ve encountered double roles: one as an architect who designed and implement the shade itself along with my colleagues from OAK architects; the second as the workshop organizer and director along with Madyan.
  2. Urban lab camp project ULC: an intensive, technical internship in the fields of Energy & Water Engineering and Urban Development for Egyptians” Madyan’s role was to provide some lectures along with some organizational tasks.
  3. Futuremakers project: this project is still running. Along with UNDP, Madyan is meant to design the methodology, plan and prepare for a 5 days workshop in 3 different places in Egypt. the project aim to address relation between youth and local authority through intervening in public squares. All interventions should be proposed and developed by local youth while implementation will be supported by UNDP and local authority.

@Abdelwahab It takes a lot of courage to start something like this when everyone is despairing and civil society is shrinking … I regret not attending your previous projects (I am in Berlin) but maybe we can meet next time in Alexandria … @hazem and I had discussed it briefly how to take the Alexandria project to the next step

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I have seen this expressed elsewhere in this project :worried:

@Abdelwahab I am curious about the ULC. Can you say more about it? What kind of energy and water engineering stuff can you guys do?

Also: Edgeryders and I personally were involved with a UNDP project called Future Makers ( Can you say more about these workshops? I know of one in Sohag, but you mention three…