We don’t pretend to be world class economists. The posts here all took some time to digest and show an exciting level of thought, hopefully we’ll find good places where we can contribute.
The SF genre we create in is Cyberpunk. It seems optimistic because it is in the future (as in there is a future) while still being “grounded sci fi” or simply “realistic sci fi.”. This as opposed to “fantasy sci fi”, a sub-genre distinction. We assume anything in Cyberpunk must include an element of anti-authoritarianism.
To that extent, in the cyberpunk world we created there is some level of geo-engineering and some drawdown technology deployed at scale plus people must have a degree of cyberization (they are cyborgs) and/or gene manipulation, in vitro and/or horizontal (they are inter-species hybridized) to survive.
As far as other material, we read as much RGP and TT mini fluff as possible. This mostly includes Shadowrun, Rezolution, Interface Zero 2.0, Judge Dredd, Inquisitor, Rogue Trader and Necromunda. We really enjoy the original Ghost in the Shell anime & diverse SF films, from Metropolis to Alphaville to The Matrix & more. We “borrow” freely for characters and scenarios but mostly use either Savage Worlds or 2 Hour Wargame rules.
Also, we got involved with 3D image making with DAZ3D and have experimented with limited 3D & 2D animation. This all helps us visualize our world. We finished an original feature length screenplay with good Hollywood structure. The movie is about reputation, integrity, identity, dignity, camaraderie and honor being more important to transactions than money.
The screenplay made it through some early rounds of competitions but never made it to any finals. We intend to rewrite it with fewer characters and a more developed world. We know we have acceptable movie narrative structure down.
For an in-world economy we’ve been excited to find this topic here on Edgeryders. Synchronically, Jason Hickel recently published The sustainable development index: Measuring the ecological efficiency of human development in the anthropocene (free PDF download available.)
This seems to hold a great deal of promise. His report opens with a great critique of current state of the art economics and the whole thing is only 8.5 pages (+references). We were hoping someone here might give it a read and offer an opinion.
We’re considering going beyond just creating a RPG economic add-on module to integrating the economics as the scoring system, replacing the current money system used in Savage Worlds. We imagine a world where values other than money are privileged.
While we would like to go forward with a screenplay rewrite, for either live or animation production, we also are considering a book or graphic novel.
What form or genre is imagined for the form/structure of this project here on Edgeryders?
Secretly, we wish to promote radical system change with fictional narrative. That is our ulterior motivation. We’ve always imagined critical theory has been part of SF from it’s beginnings and wish to continue this trajectory. The idea of presenting this as fiction seems subversive and we like that.
We’ve been functioning as a collaborative couple for a long time and intentionally moved into theatre arts from visual arts explicitly to create in a more fully collaborative environment. We really enjoy collaborating. Our biggest production as theatre co-directors included over 60 creatives; including acting talent & design teams for set, lights, audio, makeup & costumes. One of the best times of our lives.
It seems much more is happening in Europe than here in the States. We greatly appreciate the European cultural lead. The idea of working through Edgeryders on collaborative production is thrilling.