Size Matters? - Invitation to workshop in Brussels - May 31st

Hi all!

I get in touch because I’m organizing a workshop in Brussels together with Serena Cangiano (SUPSI) within DSI4EU an EU-funded project on Digital Social Innovation in a consortium including NESTA, WAAG, SUPSI.(

During European Maker Week, on May 31st afternoon in Brussels, we offer a free workshop and I was wondering if  one or more of you could be interested in taking part because the topic is very close to your area of activity. Read description below.

It would be great also if you could suggest us people around the area of Brussels or in the Netherlands that might be interested in joining the workshop.

thank you in advance for your feedback.




“ Size Matters?  Evaluating prosperity and growth in digital social innovation projects”

31st May - h.14.30 - h18.30 - at iMal Center for Digital cultures and technologies

The 4-hour workshop is a collaborative hands-on session aiming at involving makers and people working in the field of social innovation in the collaborative process of evaluating how open source, maker and digital projects can grow, how they are growing and having a better impact.

The workshop starts with a draft definition of maker scale factors such as the creation of a community, the technological openness, the communication and the financial sustainability.

Through the presentation of case studies and a hands-on approach, the participants are invited to collaborate to an open tool on how to evaluate fairly the sustainable growth through a bottom-up approach.

The output of the workshop will be the alfa version of an open source interactive tool for planning, evaluating and fine-tuning projects in order to reach social a high level of innovation and impact on the base of parameters collectively defined.

Registration (FREE)

About DSI4EU 

The workshop is promoted within the framework of DSI4EU a EU community funded project that will support, grow and scale the current Digital Social Innovation network of projects and organisations, bringing together social entrepreneurs, hackers, communities and academics working on key DSI fields such as the makers movement, the collaborative economy, open democracy and digital rights.

The DSI4EU consortium includes NESTA, WAAG, SUPSI.

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Getting more info

Trying to figure out from Serena what people that do weird stuff, but not actual digital fabrication (like, er, Edgeryders!) can get out of the event. Will report as I learn more.