My Skill set:
Artistic Skills:
Traditional drawing as well as digital drawing. Construction skills such as welding, workshop work and general sculptural skills.
Computer based skills:
Game creation, program prototyping, computer maintenance, 3D modelling. CSS, HTML web development. Creation of sound effects for use in game (Not, however, music.) Minor electronics and robotics.
Soft Skills:
Self driven and independent. Managed projects successfully a few times, analysing situations and planning most effective action. Creativity. Editing (academic). Critical thinking
Professional Skills:
Manage an online shop and it’s expansion. Deal with the employment of freelancers. Make creative decisions regarding direction of video games company and clothing printing company.
The most essential of these:
I would probably say that general creativity in problem solving and critical thinking in execution are the most wide ranging and useful of this specific skill-set.
How I developed this skill set
I left the education system at an early age (13) but grew up in an intelligent family while i wasn’t home-schooled as such I did spend my time pursuing what was then hobbies. Have pursued Art at university and developed a number of skills there (Welding and workshop skills). The rest I developed through a natural curiosity and just playing around with things until I worked them out. I would say that my brother has been an influence on the development of my computer skills. It is probably worth mentioning that whilst art education has developed my softer skills such as networking, it has done little for me in terms of technical artistic skill-sets I’ve developed perhaps instead opening up my mind creatively.
Am I happy with this skill set and has it helped me get on in life?
I wouldn’t say I was satisfied with my current skill-set, I would like to further develop several of these skills. They have however helped me get along in life greatly. The starting of self employment I can attribute to these skills and the joint pursuit of several of them has made me good friends. I feel that if I was not compelled to follow these skills and develop them I would of fallen by the way-side after leaving school and found it difficult to reground myself.