Social Media Dark Arts

Hi guys.

I just wanted to check in and ask about how best to work with you to push out unMonastery posts across social media, it’s still a bit of a mystery to me how you decide which content to focus on. Could you let me know a bit about this so that I can support the process better?

Like: Structure by which you disseminate? Who’s responsible for what? How you monitor?

As an example, I’m really keen to push out @kei’s call for collaborators - to both my personal network and a wider network but totally unsure how to coordinate this with EdgeRyders social media team.

Thanks :slight_smile:

yes sure,

we’ll push the unMon content

i was trying to explain a bit how it works in the unMon mailing list some time ago, actually i was going to make an infographic about it :slight_smile:

if you have specific wishes about how to push your content the best would be to update the social media calendar, I’ll give you a link in a while

unMonastery social media buzz wiki

we usually use a wiki to list specific content to push, usually about specific campaigns, in the summer we had the Lote3 and unMonastery campaigns, now its the Spot the Future ( and social media was focused mostly on this, its true )

Here is a wiki for the unMonastery


let’s coordinate what we want to push via the the social media channels there

Now we have the Communications Agency ( me, Said and Daniel ) dealing with the communications, /t/the-edgeryders-agency/374


I have shared the call for collaborations here