Solstice's Games Party - an open invitation

Hello beautiful people!

I’m sharing here an event invitation that I think it could be interesting for some of you (thinking about @HadeerGhareeb @Abacagames @marina @MariaEuler @hugi @noemi).

The Solstice’s Games Party is hosted by the Nomadic Branch of Trust in Play - the European School of Urban Game Design

Our Trainee are all over the place, (that’s why Nomadic) and we designed together games for the last six months, with interesting twist along the way -.-

This event is to present the games and also celebrate play and public space at large , it will be probably one of the longest Zoom you ever attended (!) starting at 3PM (Berlin time) and ending at 1.30 in the morning (7PM in Canada).

We will have game presentation, panels, game clinics, cooking lessons, karaoke and collective walks (yes!!). So I thought it could be interesting for you AND if you want to propose a room/activity/panel, there will be audience and space to do that!

Here you can find more info
and here is the program so far.

I hope to see you there!


Matteo :sunny:! Creative as ever.

But beware latency if you attempt to do karaoke on Zoom.

Unless you sing Gregorian – then keeping the beat is not so important. :rofl:

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It’s going to be pretty late, so I’m confident that there will be a lot of cognitive delay anyway!

It really IS the busiest zoom meeting ever!

This might be an interesting event for @Ionel @HadeerGhareeb @phoebe !

But wait, how do you do collective walks on zoom, one wonders… :wink:

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This is highly could be the coolest thing I would attend on Zoom. Looking forward.


make sure you have food on you, is all I’m saying :slight_smile:


We are experiment a lot, but so far the idea is a WebWhatsApp group!

Thank you for the invite. But I already have plans for a midsummer celebration that day.

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