Speeding up the recruitment and onboarding: dealing with the ad-hoc things that need to be done

I am starting a new thread for all the ad-hoc and often urgent things we need to take care of.

In today’s episode:

In general news: we have the architects’ permission to use the graphics from the feasilbility study, provided we put their logo on top of it. For now I improvised something myself.

@ChrisM I have created a couple of slides on the site that can be shared => there is a Powerpoint in the “presenetations” folder, and this is the public link to the pdf: Nextcloud

@reef-recruitment: I have added a provisional sentence on top of our website, just to flag that we are no longer just “a group of people who are trying to build a cohousing”. If someone has the time and skill to make this better please don’t hesitate.

@els would you have time to have a look at the table with the price estimates? I would need it for the slide deck.

@manuelpueyo we have been chatting on Signal about trying to get a new stack of flyers by Thursday. I created a file with a suggestion for the designer, plus a link to the pdf source file that we have. This is the internal link (saved in “communication > flyers”): Login – Nextcloud

@alberto I don’t manage to open your presentation of yesterday on the legal set-up (link: Login – Nextcloud). It’s a “.key” document and I can’t open it. Can you please help me with this? I would need the prices per square meter per household for the purchase of the site. TIA!


yes => for tomorrow evening. They are without a 2% or 5% increase on casco, right?

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Yes, it’s a Keynote document. I will convert it. But for the table, refer to the original one, here: Login – Nextcloud.

new redesign. to be sent to print.


Waw @manuelpueyo, it’s beautiful! Thanks so much.

One important thing is that the architects ask that we add “stekke + fraas” on top of the picture, to accredit them. Could you please take care of that?

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mention to the architects it’s already there , very small on the left vertical

Hi all !

As you will have seen elsewhere, the second presentation date is confirmed for 20 June.

The revised newsletter (Login – Nextcloud) is almost ready:
@lee - can you check that the URL links are what you intended
@manuelpueyo - can you fix the link to the website at the bottom, which doesn’t currently work

I’m a bit stuck with adding a link to the new registration form for the second presentation, because I don’t know how to create that and Mieke is on a break. Does anyone else know how to do it?

If all of the above gets sorted, there’s no reason the newsletter can’t go out tomorrow. If not, we should be aiming for Friday morning. In this case, the newsletter will need to be edited to take out the reference to the 6 June presentation.

After that:

@manuelpueyo - can you create a Facebook event for the 20 June presentation, and a “breaking news” post on Facebook, with a picture of the sketch.
@els is on the things that Mieke usually does: H&P, Samenhuizen and updating the website

Feel free to add any presentation-related tasks that I’ve forgotten…


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I created a new form for the second presentation: https://forms.gle/DUucYgxh25HQ1z46A

All links seem to work.

Alberto is currently updating the website.

Superb! I’m going to message Manuel on Signal and see if he can send it out ASAP…

In the meanwhile the Facebook event for the 20th is up: Presenting our cohousing project in Jette

I also updated our profile picture on Facebook, and made “break the news” post.

From here on I’m resigning for now for everything that is Facebook.


Alberto, i’ve noticed that the registration form on the website is the old (and closed) registration form. Could you change the link to the one Lee mentions?


  • I’ve had a handover from Mieke yesterday
  • I’ve update the ‘1-Recruitement-presnation manual.docx’ (names and status). Please correct/update …
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fyi we’re at 16 inscriptions already for the presenation of the 20th.


Hi @reef-recruitment !

We’ve ended up in a slightly odd situation with the current recruitment and onboarding process, in two ways.

Firstly, we’re running with the adapted process before it’s been consented to. I don’t think this is a major issue, as it’s been discussed already at a plenary, and adapted accordingly. I believe the current version (Login – Nextcloud) will be on the agenda to be consented to on Monday. It’s also the case that none of the changes (e.g. online Q&A sessions) will have taken place before that.

Secondly, and more importantly, we now have 5 responses from potential Exploring Members, and not much to do with them for a week and a half. Els and I have been discussing what to tell them in our email response. We would normally send them the Onboarding Manual and set them up with a one-one-one with a buddy. But the manual links to a checklist which is now out of date.

As it will be 9-10 days before they can attend a Q&A session and/or social event, I suggest editing the checklist to reflect the new process and sending them the Onboarding Manual ASAP. That way they can start getting on Nextcloud and Edgeryders, at the very least.

In the email, we can also bring their attention to the Q&A sessions, the work/social day on the 22nd, and the plenary on 1 July, two days before their potential associate membership applications…


fyi, some extra info:

  • they are 6 now :slight_smile:
  • i see that half of them have filled in they can go to the Q and A of the 22nd (the other half will go the 27th)
    => checked the agenda: only social event is the 22nd (before the 27th), but if one half cannot make it for an online session on the 22nd, they won’t go to this social event according to me. The other half will be in the Q&A till 13:00 so don’t know if they will be still coming to jette?
    So it looks like - no matter what they have picked as Q&A date-, the first thing to do is the Q&A and the first social event on the 30th (visit of jet-14 with walk and cake)

=> is it an idea to have a social event next week (the week after seems already quite busy)? Even just go to a bar for a drink? Maybe the 18th or 19th?

And yes: agree to update the onbaording manual asap, so that they can go on nextcloud and edgeryders…
(i do feel it is bizarre they won’t have a point of contact , or should that be team recruitement and onboarding?)

That’s probably a good idea. Although I may not be available those days, so we would need a volunteer to set that up and make it happen…

We will need to check with @Lee for that. She’s put a lot of work into the Onboarding Manual and associated checklist, and is understandably a little protective of editing rights :slight_smile:

They could have Team R&O as an initial point of contact, via Edgeryders…

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ok, if i hear you well,
i cannot say much in the message i will send tonight…
Unless for the blueprint to read and Q&A reminder…+ social event of the 30th of june

ok if i just do that? , i think it is important they get some kind of message, than to wait till lie’s back and the manual gets updated…

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Jumping in, sorry.

I propose:

  1. The Q&A session of the 22nd is moved from online to offline, to Chaussée de Jette. It’s cleanup day, and it makes for a great social event. I, or someone else, can take the group for one hour to a café, and we can do the Q&A.
  2. The people who cannot make it in person are moved onto the Q&A of the 27th.

Does not solve the problem, but it does solve part of it!


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Thanks Alberto,

Love your proposition!

fyi: 30 registrations for the presentation of June 20th so far…


I wrote to the 6 members wanting to explore the Reef.

  • I give the link to the slide deck and the blueprint
  • Q&A session
    – For those indicated wanting to join the Q&A of the 22nd, -following Alberto’s idea- i proposed to join us at the site and sb can take them apart for an hour to answer their questions.
    – For those indicated wanted to join the Q&A of the 27th: i shared the online link, indicated in the calendar
  • I informed them of the social event of June 30th