Spreading the word about the info session on 24 October

Onboard! Already started dishing out flyers :slight_smile:
Actually could we get some more? The social event on Saturday might be a good way to spread them around…
Who has them at the moment? Will you be able to bring them? Do you need help?

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This is Team Communication Materials’ responsibility. They are on it.

If you would like a preview, you can have a look over here.

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@reef-comms anybody coming on Saturday ? Could you bring some? Even some of the old ones?
Or alternatively maybe bring them at the plenary?

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yes! we will bring some



Quick update: we now have 20 people who have registered via the form. That is much less than I had hoped for.

Would you be willing to have a look at how we can reach more people? Maybe put out some more flyers? Maybe contact that one friend who has a lot of contacts on Twitter or Facebook? Or anything else that could help?



Will do!

I came across a speed dating event on habitat et participation website, on the 19th of October…

It’s on a Wednesday at 12pm though… And quite close to the 24th…
What do you @reeflings say? Worthwhile? If yes, anybody able to go?

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I sort of dread this kind of things, but I put it in my calendar.

Hello @Sarah and @Lee,

I think the event is full anyway :-/ If you click on the registration button, you get this message : " Le formulaire a atteint sa limite d’entrées."

Now on the principle, I think this kind of events could be a good way to find new candidates… But that’s more a decision to be made by the Team Recruitment I think :slight_smile:

What a pity. I’ll see whether we can send them some flyers.

Oh no :frowning:
I think that if you write to them and explain the situation, they can maybe sign you up anyway, it’s a group activity, not an actual speed dating, so the number is not set in stone I think…
And it also means that it’s not too stressful @Lee ! It’s just a présentation of everyone at the beginning and then some very easy group activities to try and identify like minded people… we actually liked it a lot when we did it!

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  • We now have 32 registrations, good for 45 individuals.

  • Don’t hesitate to go for a last push to attract more people. Based on past figures we know that about 10% of the attendants moves on to become an Associate Member, so in that sense 45 is not so much.

  • If you would be on Instagram, there is a post from Comon Home about The Reef. Don’t hesitate to give it a like?

  • I signed up for the speeddating event on 19/10.

  • About 1/3 of the people found us through the ad on Habitat Groupé. Re-publishing the ad every so often seems to be the trick (so that it appears on top again). The others mostly found us through a friend, a flyer or Facebook.



  • We are now at 55 individuals. A record high!

  • For those who want, Alberto created a post on LinkedIn. You can find him as Alberto Cottica. Don’t hesitate to share this with your network?

Great. Additionally, I have a friend who cannot make it, but has requested an 1-on-1. If she is convinced by that, she will enter the process at the welcome event for Wave 2, on November 5th.

Using another indicator, we got about 600 visits to our website during the last months (from 2000 to 2600).

Our “key documents” post is also visited more than I though, and some of our documents are downloaded regularly (the slide deck stood at 35, but got reseted to 0 because I updated it). Yay for open source!


Update: we’re now at 73 people (40 households). Full house! :partying_face:

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Great. I think it is worth it to keep pushing, and go for a memorable presentation! @Pieter, you might need volunteers for the evening (welcome desk, bar etc. ). Am I wrong?

Yes, I think Ralf, Chris, Sarah and Sophie signed up to help out, so no need to worry.

Yeah, with that amount of people potentially showing up, I definitely need more people, so good to know that I can rely on some people for that :).

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Hmmm… :thinking:
Personnaly I think it’s already sounding like we definitely will have a great presentation!
And I’m not sure we would be able to deal with more people, especially as it would be nice if we can encourage direct discussion with people during the drink at the end… But maybe that’s just me!

By the way @Pieter do you need help with shopping for the drink? Shall somebody take that on, or shall we all bring 2/3 bottles and a few snack for example? Or will team logistics be able to deal with that?