Start a creative commons licensed picture/logo/diagram collection to use in the book

The idea is that we have a place where we can collect images that may be useful for the individual cases - but perhaps also for the analysis.

My go-to source for more artistic things is usually here: Search | Flickr

If you need a picture, you can just write a comment and if someone finds it (perhaps while surfing for something similar) it can go into a post.

For diagrams we’d like to use in the analysis we could do it in a similar way. You can make a manual sketch or draft - and then someone can make a detailed printable version.

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Beautiful images

Had a look. They are some beautiful images in there, especially the one with the feet at the ledge of what looks like a star system :slight_smile:

Is this a repository you aggregated or are they search results? Not clear I understand the bit about the comment above though, what do you mean?

After the trip to Egypt I had a bit of time to structure the work and call to action a bit. Posted it as another task here in preparation for the call this Saturday:

It is just search results

if you go into the advanced search and look for cc licensed images with the tag “edge”. I recommend checking the “minimalist” setting and sorting by “interesting”.

You had a source for simpler icons which was pretty good too. I’ll have to check if I can find it again. It was some pay, or at least link to model though if I remember correctly. Not a show-stopper I think. I wonder how the EULA works for collaborative end products though.

There ought to be something similar for all the many open source games/desktop environments that have been developed over the years. Some of them have a bunch of useful icons as well.

The idea behind this is having more than one brain come up for images that are relevant for a report or article or similar. Usually you want an image on every page or so… If you now have to write a somewhat lengthy report you can focus on the text and other people can contribute artwork. Sometimes it is better if the main author is at least involved (e.g. for important diagrams). But very often it comes out better if two or three other people contribute (or propose some of) the fitting artwork. If you end up having too much you can often recycle that in a related document. Also often some people see interesting connections where others did not think of one by themselves. That is where more brains really improve the quality quite often - especially if they are also involved in proof-reading the text (so they understand the content in some depth).