šŸ—Ø Status Report: What's Up With You?

Nice idea @mrchrisadams :slight_smile: Weā€™re working on our own video conferencing app, this could be a really cool feature to implement on it. Iā€™ll DM you the link, as weā€™re keeping it for internal use at the moment.

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Had a panic attack while doing groceries. Under normal circumstances any less than one meterā€™s distance to unknown humans (and dogs) is trying. Avoid crowds like the plague (dont go to e.g concerts for this reason). With this thing going on, people getting within 3 meters kicks off anxiety attacks. This is going to be me any day soonā€¦


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My stay-at-home project - converting an old falling-down chicken coop into a sturdy shed. Built those doors yesterday. All old-growth redwood salvaged from other projects. There is a book called ā€œGood to Greatā€ that posits it is easier to go from being good at something to great than it is going from mediocre to good. In carpentry, I am trying to prove that theory wrong. The key word is ā€œtrying.ā€



My partners company is trying hard to make their employees comfortable in home office, sending the ergonomic office chairs, screens, a care package with a teddybear. And for this Friday they send every employee a lunch. But they might not have thought that through. They are sending lunch for one person to each employee. I guess that in a family with two kids or so they might be a bit disappointed that mum or dad is getting delivery, but they not ;). But nevertheless, they are trying which is a nice effort.


thatā€™s really lovely.

When watching any film or series where they share food in public or shake hands like normal people I now have an immediate reaction of:" NOOO! you should not do that!". Noticed something similar with old movies when they need to communicate something and canā€™t reach each other immediately thinking: ā€œJUST call or send a message.ā€ or ā€œJUST google itā€. Before remembering that in that era their were no smartphones. Brain immediately interprets ā€œimagesā€ from the past under a current lens.

Did you experience similar?

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Looks to me like you are already great at home repair/remodeling, John!

As long as no precision is requiredā€¦

@hampus living the dream in Blivande, where he set up a production line to produce visors and gowns for a local hospital. They are expecting 300 gowns and as many visors as we can make on Monday. I will be going there tomorrow morning to work all day with @kimgajraj and TEAM MICROBE.

Weā€™ve got a scoreboard, competing for KUDOS $ and a secret prize. We got plenty of materials donated to us, so we will be running the production line as long as we can.



Very cool initiative!

I and Luca are going to join is as well tomorrow :).

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Weā€™re now starting to make more of our own food at the house.

Soy yoghurt is a staple breakfast food that never comes without plastic packagingā€¦ Plus itā€™s expensive and most have sugars in it. So this is a 300eur money saver over 6 months, give or takeā€¦ And of course healthier and more enjoyable.





Amidst all the horrid news, here is one that has me moved and smiling today


After I get done sitting here I am going out to pull weeds in the front yard. Canā€™t get in too much trouble doing that.

Reading about Noemi making yogurt - I find that going to the store less means much more DIY in the kitchen. Glad I bought a big 10K bag of pinto beans last month and a 10K bag of wheat berries. Green food is a bit of an issueā€¦

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canā€™t you just throw some jack and the beanstalk type voodoo for your greens? :slight_smile:

Might get to that, yeah. Everything here has to have a deer fence and gopher barriers.

are you vegetarian? :wink:

ha ha yeahā€¦otherwise could be eating venison, rabbit, squirrel, raccoon, etc etc.


I would totally eat a raccoon once in my life, even as a vegetarians. I have never even seen one.

Well then olā€™ buddy, come on out west and I will show you plenty of them. Nightly viewings are possible - just leave your trash can out with the lid unsecured.